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P. S. And one more thing I forgot to say... At Battle of Britain, the bomber climb rate is even higher than the fighter plane climb rate. When I drive a bomber there, I just go up like a rocket and nobody can get me there.
I have not modded that map. bud is the original author of that Battle of Britain mod. It has some changes in planes physics, some other modifications I don't understand.
Is there any chance to urge you to add the original Battle of Britain in objective mode in the list instead of this modded one?
when you almost shot the enemy, he just flies over the runway and it helps him to get 100 hit points again
If YOU are not able to kill a plane before it reaches its main base, then... Learn to fly, or it means you are a bit too close from its main base... XD
I'm kidding nameless
The air plane spawn would be much more preferable for this server.
Sorry nameless, you're much more experienced than me in dogfight as far as I know, but we're speaking about trolls and baserapers.
Making air-spawn planes would give an easy target to baserapers. And there won't always be admins around, so I think that air-spawn is a very bad idea. And besides, air-spawn planes can easily be confused with driven planes.
And even besides, I maintain that making air-spawn planes won't let players choose their plane. It's not in the interest of players and I invite you, and tuia, to reconsider this option.
Last edited by Zapp (2014-10-24 00:38:17)
Just do it as on orange
You can avoid baseraping if you spawn planes high up in the air so they are not reachable to other planes. Let's say you have 3 spawn points to choose, you can make for example 1 spawn just for BF109 planes in air, another for Zeros and another for Stukas. But you can't prevent airfield baseraping without a deathbubble and that has its downside, because you can use it to escape from a pursuing enemy plane. If you add AA guns to airfield, pilots will have to take down baseraping planes first and then hope they are lucky to get up in air without being shot down by other attacking planes.
I have not modded that map. bud is the original author of that Battle of Britain mod. It has some changes in planes physics, some other modifications I don't understand.
its a bit complex, BoB is a addon (fanmade?)map witch dont have much wiggleroom for modding, had to do alot of workarounds.
it never got much real play testing so there was bound to be things that needed tweaking
My modded Battle of Britain map has still some little problems to be fixed. When there is only one or two spawn points left, it is a spawn raping fest, you can hardly get to the planes.
if you need to you can "borrow" some extra soldier spawns from the AI and place them somewhere close to the hangars.
rem -----------------------------------------
rem --- East_Bridge_RadarTower Group ---
rem ----------------------------------------- 64
spawnPointManager.groupTeam 2
spawnPointManager.groupEnableToChangeTeam 0
spawnPointManager.groupIcon test2.tga
rem spawnPointManager.OnlyForAI 1 <----
spawnPointManager.OnlyForHuman 1 <----
example in: Clacton_RadarTower
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate RadarTower_W_AISpawn
rem ObjectTemplate.setPosition 0/0/-18.598
ObjectTemplate.setPosition -442.84/3.5/-194.77
You can avoid baseraping if you spawn planes high up in the air so they are not reachable to other planes.
yes i agree, in a df server it should be all about flying, not having to worry about baserapeing and such.
just build it anyhow for begining, you can arrange all the moments later
Rule n°11 : Ban joint forever from the server, if he chooses the other team than mine
yes i agree, in a df server it should be all about flying, not having to worry about baserapeing and such.
Air-spawn allows baseraping. It's a fact. Besides it doesn't allow players to choose their planes.
No I disagree with air-spawn : I understand what you said, tuia, about air-spawn. But it doesn't allow players to choose their plane.
Imagine yourself. You're new on a server, you have 10 spawn points that you can choose. You don't know which one is linked with which plane. You just want the bf109. You spawn, it gives you the Corsair. You decide to bail and die. Then you choose another point, it gives you the SBD. Will you do it until it gives you the bf109 ? A lot will be fed up.
I think the mod in BoB is good. But add death bubbles around (over) the main bases. After all, dogfights have to be in the middle of the map, not close to the main bases... If you hunt enemies too close from their main bases, then it's understandable they come back to main to repair (loss of height and speed). That's a deal... If you really want to hunt, then wait that they got height enough, and way enough, from base, to attack them. That is the perfect deal to avoid baserapers...
No death bubble would mean that you allow to kill in "grey zones" of the rules : When a player just took off, then you can kill him without being considered as a baseraper...
If you build a dogfight server, please avoid us having to argue about the grey zones of baseraping.
Guys, I made the topic, I announced some rules that were good for a dogfight server (avoid the rules about nameless and joint that were joke, ofc). Do a server just as I told, and then we'll speak about what has to be changed. Please trust me. Do it as I said, and let's have a try.
Last edited by Zapp (2014-10-24 23:35:00)
bud wrote:yes i agree, in a df server it should be all about flying, not having to worry about baserapeing and such.
Air-spawn allows baseraping. It's a fact. Besides it doesn't allow players to choose their planes.
sorry but your wrong in both cases.
Then prove it. Explain how air-spawn planes may be prevented from base attacks ? Or planes only spawn when the player spawn ?
And if you're new, and you want a specific plane, how you choose the point where you spawn ?
I checked it. I admit this is a nice job. I didn't expect a carrier in the air, and I didn't know that the height limit was moddable.
In this case, I agree with you
Even if I'll miss taking off a bit :s
!bbase1day ziba
Well, everything having been told, let's make a sum um :
1. Gazala and/or El Alamein
2. Maps TDM only
3. Air-spawn carrier, at the highest limit of the map to avoid baseraping
4. All kinds of planes available for both sides
5. No flak, no other vehicle
6. Limit the number of players to 40 max
7. Sudden-death at bail
8. Equipment limited to wrenches
Did I forget something ? If not then the hardest is left : making the server...
Sure that I won't be really useful for this... Good luck and make something great so that we can fly soon
7. Sudden-death at bail
or just turn off parashutes, smash in ground is more harsh
Oh, and try to mod the air-carrier as a repair area, maybe...
Topic closed?^^
Topic closed?^^
Thanks for all your suggestions ^^
Great ! Take your time and give us some good news as soon as you'll be able
There is already a working CTF el_ala map with everything working. Just need to include it in the map cycle of the new server.
Last edited by Serebro (2017-02-01 13:11:11)
Slapped something together, this time right in the mid of the US of A. Ride that Ping! … 98.4842465
If you made this a inf server, you might get a little more activity I'd be on that shit all day
lol but you would be the only one on twigz, inf servers in NA are dead
Black Mamba wrote:lol but you would be the only one on twigz, inf servers in NA are dead
Which is why it should be in Europe
Doesnt mitch already have an infantry server that nobody plays on