#2 Re: Technical Help » Data Differs from server » 2013-11-09 17:00:59

Nope - I wish you were right but they are in the correct folder sad

#3 BF1942 Discussion » Any mappers modders here willing to help with a map / mod? » 2013-11-09 14:43:54

Replies: 2

Back in 2003 when I was in a BF1942 clan named VS-UK we spent several months creating a HUGE / MASSIVE map (I think possibly the largest map available at the time & possibly still is?), it is named INSTER & it includes a few mods (needs the Road to Rome expansion to play) & was released in "Alpha" state (was only a conquest map as it doesn't look or play at all well in other modes!) - I have recently re-installed it and I had forgotten how big it is! ... However, even in conquest mode there are a few buildings that need more accurate placement and could do with some help (as I was self taught using a variety of software to create it and will need to re-learn all that I was doing back then - I have the memory of a goldfish!) ...

If there is anyone willing to help, or just want to travel around this massive map, you can download the file from  here --> INSTER. Just unpack it and place the folder in the Mods folder ("C:\Program Files\EA Games\Battlefield 1942\Mods").

Additionally I would also like to b able to remove the mods and create a vanilla BF1942 version as well.

Would also appreciate any feedback or suggestions along the way  smile

#4 Technical Help » Data Differs from server » 2013-11-09 14:10:56

Replies: 42

Hi All  smile

Have installed and reinstalled and installed Vanilla BF1942 (CD), patched up to v1.6, used the punkbuster installer to install punkbuster and installed the maps from the new maps installer - however I still cant access your  server ( I either get a message saying "Data differs from server" or the game simply crashes.

I am running vista ultimate 64bit which naturally installs to C: program files (86) (and I have also tried to install to the standard C: program files folder - I have also tried running in windows xp (service pack 2 ) compatibility mode but still no joy!

I can seem to join all other servers I have tried without any issue though ..... hope someone can help.

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