#1 Re: Server Ban Appeals » unban request » 2013-10-05 16:48:37

thank u so much tuia.u always good to me.i never disapoint u. dont wory.i can understand timmos.he is right to think that way.

#2 Re: Server Ban Appeals » unban request » 2013-10-04 18:38:19

u can punish me but belive me u cant make me more rependant than i am now.i lost my sans to be clanplayer for stupit noobish cheat.if i have sans now i never do that.but its done what is done .so dont be so rush and crull when u decide about me.

#3 Re: Server Ban Appeals » unban request » 2013-10-04 18:21:59

hey man comedown.here is no shit.i didnt do anything wrong.as i told u.i could save my id and u never do that for nothing.to pike from high altitude?if its crime u have to ban all pilots.u can be more large.i wasnt play since 8 mounts.i just want to play.i never go in competition to cheat again.and u dont have right to insult me.u are just admin.u are not owner of universe.

#4 Re: Server Ban Appeals » unban request » 2013-10-04 18:11:06

i told u.i never hide it.tuia saw this.almost everybody saw this.i didnt hide my cd key.i just promissed to be clean before.but perently u dont know about it.but now we are talking about today.as i told u know who i am why did u take somescreenshot before ban me?u could have prove and u could ban me forever.dont decide about me when u are looking my past.be fair.

#5 Re: Server Ban Appeals » unban request » 2013-10-04 18:07:07

u dont have right to do that.its unbelivble.i dont have any clue what u are talking about.oh god.how u can decide that i am hacking.i didnt see reason i wrote.isaw just cheat or something before u ban me.its not fair.if u know me from liga u can take screenshot.but u didnt.because i wasnt do anything wrong.bad history fallowing me every where.i could change my nick and u nver do that for someone else.please be fair.

#6 Re: Server Ban Appeals » unban request » 2013-10-04 17:59:52

i dont know.i just saw reason.it was about cheat.

#8 Server Ban Appeals » unban request » 2013-10-04 17:39:00

Replies: 50

i am blueboy.i was playin 10 minutes ago at server.someone banned me.it wrote because of using map hack.its so stupit reason.and big lie.if he said i was using maphack he has to prove it.where is screenshot or whitness .i thing he know me before and he tought that i cheat again.i never cheat here in this server after i talk with tuia.i promissed him and i never do anything as cheat.so please dont prejudice for me.and please unban me.

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