#1 Re: Server Ban Appeals » ban for no reason » 2025-02-06 15:36:20

thank you! sorry if i seemed rash about a few things. i will admit Evilbunk is rambunctious at times. he to just likes to have a good time as well.

#2 Re: Server Ban Appeals » ban for no reason » 2025-02-05 04:40:08

Evilbunk and myself are two separate people going way back to high school days. sure its hard to prove without revealing true identities which will never happen under zero circumstances. europeans dont believe in privacy but americans do. evilbunk and myself also do not live to far from each other and visit each other frequently. we have been enjoying the server a lot longer than you realise. also in case you didnt notice i did stop base sniping after i was told to stop. so many other servers have no base sniping rule so its just easy to over look when server hopping. whatever you euros want to make of it. just know that i never broke a rule intentionally.

#3 Server Ban Appeals » ban for no reason » 2025-02-04 01:08:56

Replies: 8

Admiral_Orange. i got banned on iwo jima for no reason on 2/3/25. i was playing with in all rules and guide lines and have been for years now. can someone please explain to me what i did wrong? if it was an accident then fine all is forgiven. i just wish to know why i got banned while peacefully enjoying a chaotic game to calm my nerves.

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