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Pages: 1
Thank you very much !!!
Yes last night it was hard to replay after 20 years of non-playing !
Plus the mouse roulette don't select weapon and the car's honks don't work with left click (bikes works).
Very happy to re-enter into this game and parallel universe where battle never ends since 20 years :-)
I just restart the game since 20 years and I played few games since yesterday. I always play axis and I was forced into allies team for the first time and into omaha beach game, I confused "blue targets" instead red ones as an habit/reflex. I was unaware I was targeting my team instead of ennemies. I'm very sorry for that. I'm so happy to have restarted the game I'm a little bit rusty. I ask for your indulgence to permit me not be banned until tomorrow. Thank you for understanding
Pages: 1