#2 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ban » 2024-10-08 23:14:57

Sims like your message is little longer then mine so i can say the same thing blah blah blah right ? but i don't because i am a nice guy .
About the last line you wrote i have copy and paste the rules from the forum BANS, on what category am i just curious ?

Bans are timed as following:  15mins, 1 day, 3 days, 1 week, 1 month and permanent.
Players who come to forum to appeal a ban have the right to receive an answer regarding reason and time of ban. Players who appeal sincerely and who guarantee to comply to the rules in future deserve to have their unban appeal fairly considered and their ban time reduced.
Players who break rules constantly will have a longer ban after every next abuse, but into reasonable limits.
Evading is strictly forbidden and will result in a longer ban. However every player appealing his ban even after evading attempts will have his ban reasonably reduced proportionally to how severely the player in question broke the rules. Don't evade, appeal your ban instead.
We appreciate honesty and politeness in unban appeals and abuse reports.

I will wait to see how you will manage and solve this issue .
PS : If you read my previous message it make sense but i guess i have to write backwards next time smile


#3 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ban » 2024-10-08 09:23:56

I don't want to argue with you , since i did not see the warning i don't understand why you did not wait until i can read the chat , as you already know chat can go up on screen  pretty quick right? but hey who am i to tell you how to manage game server . The first time you give me the ban was for 3 days as far i remember ,that's why i came back and say you know how to ruin some ones weekend !  Yes i was at the end of the bridge trowing grenades and place mines , i never went in the enemy or near enemy base period ! I  connected  and say i always do that is a lie , i never say that  and you know it ! Wonder if you can prove it with chat history , i guess not and this will remain your word against mine for now.  Remember next time to make sure the person gets banned is aware of it ahead of time . I felt relay bad about that and i will never forget .  PS: i did try to log in as e.S to see if the ban was IP related. Any way if you lift the ban would be great , Muffin.

#4 Server Ban Appeals » Ban » 2024-10-08 04:09:46

Replies: 7

Can any one look in to this situation , i got ban with out warning .I was throwing grenades from the edge of the bridge on incoming enemy coming out from base , i never went in the base because i know the rules  and this man came in and ban me on the spot , e.S was there and saw the all action and i think he place the ban. All i know he said  looks like Muffin needs some help and right after  i got ban for the weekend , i came in and i got ban again , now on RtR i got this message kicked for Null , but on one of the server i could play since Xberg was there and for some reason i got ban form all the servers .
Not sure if this is personal but looks immature to me ,whatever see this message please clear the ban. Thanks.

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