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Nope I'm using Untangle ,, it only has port forwarding .
ok ty for posting the bfsmd config PDF was very helpful now have setup two instance of bfserver up running on a virtual Linux box but am still running into the same wall as before i can only get one server to list on the server list.
Server 01 is ext ip is port fwd to
listen port 23000 fwd to internal port 23000 it will list on the masterlist
server 02 is ext ip port fwd to
listen port 23001 fwd to internal port 23001 it will not list on the masterlist
starting to think that maybe this can not be done unless i have a DMZ zone but not sure .
i know there has got to be a way to do it there are servers listed on the master list with the same ip just diff game ports...
Oh well will keep banging head till it hurts or i figure it out...
Would like to thank all of you that has helped me so far ....
will keep researching
Thank You
ok i have found out it is not possible to port forward 1 port to two different internal IP addresses...
so my question is ,, is it possible to run 2 instances of bf1942 on a single Linux box.. i have been trying it out tonight but, i can get one up and running but when i try and start the second server it tells me that it fails to bind socket....
I have changed all ports but still gives me the failed to bind socket error..
Server o1 this one works
server 02 this one fails
i have setup two directory's to keep them separate
server one is setup in bf1942 dir
server two is setup in bf1942_2 dir
any info and help would be greatly appreciated...
also as a side note when i start bfsm on the Linux box ,, it return a list and says internal error but goes ahead and load and start listing but its strange that it roll up a bunch of internal error ..
I do have port forward setup in my router for the the virtual machines , but i don't think that you can port forward the same port to, to different internal IP's.
setup in router is
server01 windows external port 23000 port forward to internal IP port 23000 this one works
server01 Linux external port 23000 port forward to internal IP port 23001 this one does not work ,,, i do have server 02 listen port set to 23001 in the server file.
so not sure if it is a limitation of my router , or if that network port forward rule is just invalid .. but with the current setup only one server will show up on the
will keep playing with it to see how to get it to work.. think i may need to add another network card to my router and set it as DMZ to see if that will work... just will need to read on how to do that ....
Thank you
Ok so i have setup two Bf1942 server here at home on my vm and am having a little trouble with getting one listed on the in game browser..
is the server list only listening on 23000,, for the server list or does it listen in the range of 23000 to 23009 ... i was thinking back in the old days it listened in a range but really cant remember..
So any way here is my setup
server 01 windows box :14567 listening port 23000 fwd to 23000
server 02 Linux box :14568 listening port 23001 fwd to 23001
server 1 will show up on the list but server two will not, if i put the second server at 23000 fwd to 23001 it still will not work.. unless i disable the port forward to the first server ,, then it will work,,,,,so I am puzzled on how to get the second server listed ... not sure if i have to DMZ the second server or not ,,, and not sure if i can even DMZ the second server since its a virtual machine. not sure how that would work
But any way , i don't really need two bf server , but was just board and wanted to setup a Linux box since its been forever since i had one running anyway..
so any input would be greatly appreciated
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