#1 Re: Off-Topic » The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany » 2023-03-23 11:48:40

Pretty based, the holocaust has to be the biggest conspiracy theory with virtually no evidence to back it out there. Not to mention the idea that an entire nation of people - led by a man who pioneered animal rights laws in Germany and prevented the starvation of his people as well as being awarded the 1938 Times Person of the Year - would become irrationally wary of and defensive towards these people who coincidentally make up an extremely disproportionately high amount of wealth and influence in almost every democratic, powerful country.

Sure, don't side with the Germans because of their legacy after the war but to act as if these bankers who had the power to orchestrate and profit from the war, who also had religious and economic incentive to see this new state crushed were simply persecuted without reason is simply choosing not to critically analyse whatever you read from an overpriced textbook most of whom are manufactured by companies owned by these very people.

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