#1 Re: Report Abuse » Serebro2064 abuses administrator privileges - bans for nothing » 2023-03-03 23:47:33

Paul Baumer wrote:

Hey, now you should be able to join server without problems. Sorry for the delay.

No problem with the delay. Thank you for unbanning. Greetings.

#2 Re: Report Abuse » Serebro2064 abuses administrator privileges - bans for nothing » 2023-03-03 22:57:18

Serebro wrote:

Update: Your ban will be lifted in 3 days. Please let us know if you are able to play starting 1st of March

Hey, I can't still connect to the server.

#3 Re: Report Abuse » Serebro2064 abuses administrator privileges - bans for nothing » 2023-02-27 18:11:11

Also, if you want, please change the title of this thread and the content of the first post so that it does not look like insulting you

#4 Re: Report Abuse » Serebro2064 abuses administrator privileges - bans for nothing » 2023-02-27 18:06:01

Serebro and Ferd, thank you for the opportunity to describe and explain the situation, and for removing the ban after March 1st. I would also like to apologize for the whole situation, which was a violation of the rules and accusing Serebro of abuse of privileges. You were right from the beginning, I could have asked right away here on the forum. Can I also ask you to move this entire thread to the ban appeals tab? Greetings.

#5 Re: Report Abuse » Serebro2064 abuses administrator privileges - bans for nothing » 2023-02-27 00:21:40

You could have banned me yesterday and tell for what, I would at least know for what, and I wouldn't try to reconnect. If someone tkills or twound you don't wait 12 hours to ban.

#6 Re: Report Abuse » Serebro2064 abuses administrator privileges - bans for nothing » 2023-02-26 23:43:39

Hello Ferd, thanks for answer and explanation. I didn't know this is considered glitching. I remember long time ago I saw someone was actually glitched in the wall (and was invisible from both sides), so he could kill enemies in the building and around the cap. I went prone between ammo box and wall and could still move and be seen and I was still vulnerable to bullets and explosions.

#7 Report Abuse » Serebro2064 abuses administrator privileges - bans for nothing » 2023-02-26 22:03:52

Replies: 12

Good day. I was playing this morning under the name STAC Z TYLU KAMPIC. I can't remember exactly now on which map it was (probably the begining of El Alamein during countdown), but I though someone else was breaking rules and got banned and the server banned me by the way. I was playing without cd key (I copied game files from old WIndows XP computer, and the game was working without entering key), so I entered my cd key in the registry, changed name to BFSold and continued playing. Several minutes later El Alamein ends and Tobruk starts. On the beginning nothing interesting was happening. I minimalized game to check something on the internet and game crashed. I rejoined continued to play. After some time I swithed to sniper rifle, made some even good kills - I use this aiming method www youtube com / watch?v=KAKTc2FCPS4. And again I got banned. No warning, no complaints from other players or admins. Again no ban reason. So I entered random cd key from the internet, changed name to Uh Oh (I can't remember if there was one more name between STAC Z TYLU KAMPIC and BFSold). I can remember that I got tked, and player who tked me said "sorry", I answered "np" and got banned (XD²). Finally I changed the name to lol and asked on SayAll chat what is the reason for banning me. I would also add that he used the !bdis .<playerID> command. He was typing it in SayTeam so I couldnt see it when I was in the opposite team. After asking for reason for these bans I got no answer at all both from him and from other admins. I don't know if there's any point in appealing a ban for nothing (multiple entries from other players on the gametracker site) or continue to play on this server where admins treat players unfairly and unequally.

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