#1 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Just Banned » 2022-10-02 06:02:46

I'm not banned anymore it must have been a fifteen-minute ban. I will suggest watching a player called major merlin he is sneaky in what he does behind admins backs

#2 Server Ban Appeals » Just Banned » 2022-10-02 04:03:08

Replies: 5

October 1st 6:50pm pacific time

Hello, I was just banned from your server for ramming my plane into Maj. Merlin as he was taking off from his base, I was searching for bomber and flew over enemy base spotted it and dove to shoot after it cleared runway. I'm aware this was not a good choice. I've played with merlin before and he has a vendetta against me for simply trying to shoot him out of the sky, my favorite thing to do is hunt bombers and it's like I'm not allowed to shoot at him. He has went as far as having his teammates switch teams to my team and damage my airplane upon takeoff, so I die soon. I don't know what he has against me but it's getting annoying, and I was banned without question. I love this server and it provides great memories of playing when I was younger, I'm asking for a ban appeal and will strictly adhere to all rules and guidelines, I'm just asking for a second chance. Apricate your time with the matter

Edit: I just thoroughly read through all the rules and realize I absolutely broke the rules for shooting at enemy uncapturable bases and apologize, I have read the rules of the server and am familiar now, sorry. Would really appreciate an un-ban so I can continue to play. Thank you

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