#1 Re: Report Abuse » Player "Maj. Merlin" » 2023-05-31 01:37:31

Can some admin please, P L E A S E , for the love of the game,
discipline this  Maj.Merlin  guy?

I'm not sure how Simple can continue to exist if this guy keeps on being allowed to shame and troll anyone who;

- doesn't do as he think you should do
- doesn't give him a plane or tank or whatever vehicle he wants at a certain time
- doesn't agree with his own opinion

This guy is seriously ruining the game on Simple  for me !!!

I mean I've been back playing BF1942 since a few years absent, and I am glad to see people still play this game,

but the way I feel about it on Simple (the biggest mostly populated server at the moment)
is that everyone is being seriously annoyed by this guy.

For instance, at 5-31-2023 at around 0:45 AM CEST (during the Battle of the Bulge -map)
the entire server audience had to endure a 30 minute long rant about Islam and other religions.
This isn't a chatroom, sure we can have mild discussion and whatnot ingame, but when things get heated,
he can go take his opinions elsewhere - NOT ingame.

And then there's the shaming when you use an vehicle, but not use it to his standards or liking.

It's really sad, actually.
It appears he sais and does things do help his team win the round, but he does it to a measure and in a way which is completely bananas sad

But you know what would be even more sad?
If nothing were to be done about this !

C'mon Simple admins, step up your game !

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