#1 Server Ban Appeals » Banned directly » 2022-03-07 17:22:15

Replies: 1

Hello Guys,
could you please explain why i am banned directly, i couldnt even connect to the Server besides a few times.
Name: Bud Spencer
Server: SimpleBF1942
Date: I downloaded Origin two days ago and tried to connect, also yesterday.


#2 Technical Help » Banned directly? Punkbuster Problem? » 2022-03-06 01:44:00

Replies: 0

Hello everyone,
i installed BF1942 today from Origin, downloaded the Punkbuster Installer and Patch from your website but i couldnt connect to the Simple BF-Server, it said from the Beginning "Banned from Server". A few times it worked, after i connected to another server and then went back to Simple BF, but the last times it failed everytime.
Could you please tell me what the problem is behind this issue?

My nickname was Bud Spencer. I connected and played several times this day.

Thanks in advance!

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