#1 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Piroca - Banned » 2021-12-27 01:26:34

yeah, admin had time to ban, but not to login at forum. Right ...

I Know the rules, agree and accept. Thanks.

Life goes on, please close this topic.

#2 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Piroca - Banned » 2021-12-26 20:59:29

Hello again,

The 1 day ban time ended and i am enabled to enter at server.

-The Ban appeal requested by me was completely ignored.
-The admin who banned me, didnt answered here in useful time.

I dont know who was the admin who banned me. How can i know ?

Im very dissapointed, christmas time ( lot of free time to play), the ban reason was unintentional, and the admin didnt care about that.

minus 1 point for you Admin ! whoever you are.  ( I can perfectly accept a ban without complains  if i do shit ).

Have a nice season.

#3 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Piroca - Banned » 2021-12-26 12:04:58

Darcano wrote:

Stop using fake nicks to team kill other players and disconnect. You really think one can't tell is you?

Are you High Darcano ? Dont like my nick ? ?

Why the hell u tell something like that ?

Darcano im too old for that shit u accused me, and im too old to take a discusion over a game, which i always try to play with common sense and by the rules.

Darcano i have 3 nicknames, and why ?
- One original, old, from year 2000.
- One normal
- One in my language to easily contact same language players and open the path to teamwork.

From time to time i switch, is randomly. The only way to switch intentionally, is when i kill or do pression  killing another enemy player who is too good and i stay oriented to kill that guy the all map, to give more chances to my team ( i will die 10 times against 1 death of that guy ), when that guy is Admin, some of them stay super-sensitive, kicking me for an unitentional teamkill (for example ). Of course i know its possible to view the different nicknames by the Guid...

So, Darcano please enjoy this holidays without talking bullshit.

#5 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Piroca - Banned » 2021-12-25 22:37:59

yeah, but was not the case.

I kill an enemy at very high altitude, my plane stall, and got line oriented to my own carrier, and lack of attention was my mistake. Killing 2 teamfriends next.

#6 Server Ban Appeals » Piroca - Banned » 2021-12-25 22:18:44

Replies: 9

Hi guys,

I just arrived at  server, and make confusion about team color, doing 2 tks ... Coral Sea

That was so stupid, i saw me killing a teammate, and thinking "Wow, omg bad luck, the teammate stole a enemy plane ..."

Happens 2 seconds again, so .. only after the second kill i look better and realize my mistake.

I had time to write in chat to apologyze and explain ( i think it was to Jorgen, because he was my second tk, the first Tk name dont remember ), but was kicked.

So, thats is my explanation, and true. I never killed someone intentionally. Only by mistake or stupidity mine. ( that was the case, and a little christmas alcohol enough to dont see well the game at begining. )

Please unban.

Btw, how can we see the Ban Time ? its possible ?

Merry Christmas

Sorry for my english but is enough acceptable to understand.

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