#1 Re: Report Abuse » Bunny banned me for having Maj preface to name » 2021-11-18 10:55:01

I'm not going to blindly follow everything an admin says. And rightly so, as this time, they got it wrong.
To clarify, I thought it was just a joke, as we were having a discussion in the chat, about admins, and  I said that 'some admins are power hungry'. So, to see a 'change your name' request immediately after I said that - seemed like a funny joke. I said 'haha'. Then, kicked. Then tried to return, banned. Unable to ask for the reason.
Anyway, I can see that this isn't getting me anywhere. I just wanted to state my case and I think I've done that, so have a good day.

#2 Re: Report Abuse » Bunny banned me for having Maj preface to name » 2021-11-18 10:35:28

Well, you say I "deserved it" without any valid arguments backing up why I deserved it.  My opinion is that I didn't deserve it, hence this complaint.
My argument is this; Maj is a preface meaning Major, which is a military rank. Can the Maj preface be reserved for one player? I'm not sure that's fair.

#3 Report Abuse » Bunny banned me for having Maj preface to name » 2021-11-18 10:22:55

Replies: 14

Got banned today by an admin I never heard of. Bunny was the name I think. Told me that I can't use Maj preface to my name, and to change name. I thought it was a joke (I've seen a lot worse names). He said only some guy called Merlin, whoever that is, can have Maj at the start of their name. I got kicked, then came back to ask why, but as soon as I rejoined, I got a ban.
Seriously? Some admins I think are on a bit of a power trip. Are they really supposed to be banning people for any little thing? I've seen many petty admins in my time, but this takes the cake. The community will continue to dwindle with admins like this.

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