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I think you didn't understand this game. If you use a tank, artillery or another vehicle with more than one seat and a TEAMMEMBER use the other seat i call it teamwork. If i am wrong show me the serverrules with the appropriate part.
What is the opinion from the other Admins? Are they agree with you? If yes, write it in the serverrules please.
And now, lets play and have fun. It's only a game. (and from now i will watch before i enter a wespe as a gunner, if you are the driver i will walking) ;-)
If i in the Wespe and someone jump on seat 2, i drive it in front of a housewall or in the wrong way.
Helps the most time.
This is ok, but if the gunner (on seat 2) don't want to leave the place, i have to accepted this. But kicking is not an option.
BF is a Teamplayergame!!!!
Wespe has 2 places. Now satfan, you said "i jumped ON as a gunner"
If you stayed ON the wespe (it can hampered the visibility => !kdis AGREE)
Otherwise if you entered INside (it hasn't problem for me).
I was inside on seat 2 and i read and hear only one warning "Notabsprung", maybe they come to many messages in a short time then the wespe got a hit and was heavenly damaged. Yoda jumped out and somebody repairs the wespe then i was kicked.
But again, the wespe is for 2 guys, otherwise write it in the serverrules.
In my opinion, the wespe is for 2 people, and not for one guy alone. I found nothing in the serverrules that the wespe is for one guy only. If the admins/mods want that the wespe is for one player only, then write it in the server rules.
And Yoda, don't kick for disruptive gameplay without warning. You kicked me without warning. This is abusing admin rights for your own advantage.
I play with the Nick "Napoleon". I was kicked by Yoda for disrupting gameplay on the map "Battle of the Bulge" SiMPLE FRA Server 10 minutes ago.
Why was i kicked? He drives the Wespe and i jumped on as a gunner. This is not forbidden.
thx a lot
i think this guy is trying to learn how we do it , i dont think so , mister
i don't want to learn it.... i only want to play.
i forgot to tell a important information to you. normaly i use the name BERT but last saturday i use the name BUBI. can you check it a last time for me...if you find nothing, i will have to live with this failure and i must use another computer for playing.
thx for your help.
yes, i got still the message "banned from server"
it cannot be an ip ban, because ip changes every day.
it cannot be a serial key ban, because i changed the serial.
maybe a hardware ban....
i tried it with wlan and networkcable, same result. how long could be a ban?
i tried it again without success. i have no problem connecting to the server with the new maps. i change the serial, without success.
thx for your help.
my parents make the 2 weeks ban, not for the teamkill....they make it because he lied again.
i know that the little brother excuse is the number one excuse....but in this case it's true. in the meantime, i asked my little brother again, and now, after i wrote here, he told me the truth. he told me that he makes a teamkill. now he have to live the next 2 weeks without computer and tv (thats the ban from my parents for his lies).
Name: BERT
Date: November 3 2012, round about 18:00 local time
Server name: SiMPLE | BF1942 No key [FRA]
Hello, why was i banned? I was afk .... when i comed back, i was banned. Maybe my little brother had do something.
Can you unban me please.
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