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It is nice to see another clan member getting away with his shit, again
Server at prime time
Medal of Honor Allied Assault / Pacific Assault
COD 1 and 2
AoE 2 and 3
lmfao, thx for this
Is up again.
Unban henk.
Is down again, ban henk
tuia stop
Básicamente entras al juego y empezas a dispararle a tus compañeros, rompes vehículos, haces imposible que uno pueda jugar tranquilo y te desconectas para que no te agarren, ya varias veces lo mismo y sí te banean no te hagas el sorprendido. Si no te gusta el juego no entres a molestarnos.
Y si no entendes nada podes apretar la tecla L y preguntar, somos varios los que hablamos español.
-Double messages (dunno if related to conn, yet i have a good wired net)
-Cant select spawn points
-Kit choosing is bugged
-Main menu buttons not work
Anything to solve this? i have bf42+ updated
Im gonna say this once, if you (and someone else) have a problem with me SAY IT and we solve this or at least keep it cool, dont care about being trolled by everyone but closer ones, it sucks. I also apologize for not letting go.
We're good man. Thx for it.
Cya in game.
Edit: Solved, everything cool.
the most "ur mom" answering lmao
Try deleting servers from "favorite", update the servers list... if not, restart router (?
/remember SIMPLE has a new ip since months ago.
Why would you want to renew the player base when there is a solid base already, just keep and save them. Selling this game vs 2024 releases is like promoting a old ass nokia phone from the 2000s, forget it, there are generations and they dont mix, yes you can share and sell this as a funny, coop, skill-over-graphic gameplay or even "fortnite it" as a cringy battle royale lol... the "hype" not gonna last more than 10 minutes.
22 years had passed since game was released, just let it flow until last guy disconnect.
ICQ v.2
xd why bother to show me something that i living and whole world knows since the 2000's?, duh.
I confess I sometimes briefly stalk attractive women at malls
lmfao, frame this
000 succeeded at identifying someone of the opposite gender for the first time, kudos.
Spitefulwretch holds the record for massive stacking yet dude is free to play lol
its.... SIMPLE
f for Karwsz, slap the admin
Fishing in a barrel never was a skill
Can't believe you feel pride on this lmao
Yesterday we had the warmest day of winter in country's history after a record breaking cool wave lmao.
ye, weather is fk'd up
killing me, Vietnamese, Patate, Dutch Schultz, Brexit, Curt and his Cat, MAJ IDIOT and others is a warm up? LMAOOO
crypto has been saying goodbye to server for a year already lmao