#1 Re: Server Ban Appeals » I was banned 2 Months ago on Bogace (German) » 2020-06-22 01:46:25

Hopefully you realize that this was a while ago? at least after joining again when the server changed the ip I didn't do it anymore because i didn't want to be banned anymore. Since there is 99% nothing to discuss anymore, I leave it there with old people, I am told bad boy although a lot happens in six months anyway, thanks for taking care of me best regards

#2 Re: Server Ban Appeals » I was banned 2 Months ago on Bogace (German) » 2020-06-21 21:18:56

Since lying is of no use to me, I answer the question with yes, of course, but I did not become conspicuous by breaking the rules, I played fair and competetive. Whether you believe me and give me a chance to release me is up to you, I write with calm and respectful ulterior motives because I can understand that I am understandable by everyone below. Even if I am not released, I accept and respect the decision. What a shame for me because I only play Bf1942 so I play first person shooters I really love it ...

(My english is bad guy it whrit by google translator.)

Edit: I would also like to ask you and the others to respond respectfully and politely. Greetings

#3 Server Ban Appeals » I was banned 2 Months ago on Bogace (German) » 2020-06-21 18:30:56

Replies: 4

Ja moin ich wurde nachdem Simple einen neuen Server geöffnet hat vor circa 2 Monaten vom Server gebannt.
Ich habe fair aber sehr gut gespielt und mich an die Regeln gehalten, ich verstehe denn Bann Grund nicht.
Zumal das einzige was ich geschrieben habe wenn ich mich recht entsinne war, wow das hat dir jetzt viel gebracht.
ok? Ich bitte um einen Entbann Gruß. Ps: meinen Spielernamen weiß ich nicht mehr.

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