#1 Re: Server Ban Appeals » I accept the ban » 2012-04-05 20:36:08

Hello tuia,

Thank you for having removed the ban, I assure you that I did not want to disrupt the game, I made a wrong maneuver. However, I will be more careful and I assure you that I won't insult other users of the server.

#2 Server Ban Appeals » I accept the ban » 2012-04-05 18:51:11

Replies: 2

I accept the ban, the map was "Omaha Beach", someone took away the ship and so could not play with it, at first I was angry and I insulted the pilot.
When he reappeared I took the boat and started to play, but the ship was destroyed, so I tried to run it but I'm stuck and I was banned.
I apologize for the insult, I do not know who it was addressed.
Again, I agree to the ban, I would just like to know if it is final.




sorry for my english but i've used a translator

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