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There are two possibilities: Either you did not understand what I meant ... Or you try to justify the unjustifiable to defend these people to death ...
I have been playing Bf1942 since 2002, I have visited many servers ... And I have never seen so many complaints in the forums as there are here ... That is why I say that this server has a very bad reputation, because there are complaints that are really worth it pay attention.
If I say "this player is trolling or using hacks", why does the administrator have to threaten me with "last warning, don't spam"? ...
Do you not find it very strange that the administrator on duty, acts faster in punishing the one who asks to kick / prohibit, but the one who cheats, is forgiven or ignores it?
And answering Sunshine's question ... "It is not necessary to give names of the administrators, it is best to realize for yourself how they act in the presence of their friends, laughing together at the" accuser "(me) ... AND do not come to tell me that I am crazy or I am a liar accusing falsely, because in this forum you are full of complaints ... I am not the only one.
Now I understand why this server is the most hated ... The server has a bad reputation because administrators are ignorant, defending their "friends" if someone accuses them of using hacks.
Of course, the admins decide to kick the accuser, and NOT the hacker (because it turns out that he is "friend" of the admin)
And I have a lot of rancor to report, knowing that nobody takes charge here ... They think they are "gods" for using admin and everyone laughs saying "read this crazy, poor man"
And I repeat to the admins: "you keep laughing and abusing power for having admin, that everything comes back in life"
Hopefully some hacker steals your account and unsubscribes this server, so that they learn to be more responsible, because here it is full of incompetents.
First, it is unfortunate that you care more that someone new does not start with a presentation, instead of focusing better on administrators abusing commands, for example, annoying the player "Merlin" (although I do not like him either ), and if no one believes me, ask Nameless what I am referring to.
Second: Nameless, if you mean "You're jumping in front of a vehicle and causing your teammates to kill you", I tell you how the scene was.
Your "friend" Dumbass aka "Pig Destroyer" was with his Sherman tank driving through EL AIRFIELD and I was waiting for the respawn of a plane, and he runs over me because he was writing in the chat to insult me and he couldn't stop his vehicle and runs over without ever saying "sorry" ... In theory: he was a teamkiller because of him.
Then it is clear that your Nameless only believe certain players even though you have never seen the whole scene.
And third: I spent 20 minutes (and if you do not believe me, ask for the record to read the entire chat where I am asking the administrators to take the drivers who were shooting my Katysuha and consequently killing me on purpose.
I had to tell Arwen to come with me to the forum to discuss why he didn't expel anyone in those 20 minutes, and he didn't want to, and on top of his last answer was "I haven't seen anyone disturbing" << << For 20 minutes Arwen has not seen ANYTHING? Insurance? But if he was on the same team as me (Russian side)
Then there is a severe complicity between Arwen and Nameless, with certain trolls players.
(Please, if someone is intelligent, read the log that Nameless has put just before kicking me, where there is the proof that I was complaining about the trolls ... And Nameless treats me of "troll" ... how much falsehood there is in this server)
If someone keeps the chat record of the game, put it in this forum so they can see why I am complaining.
During the Kursk map, I was complaining for 20 minutes about several players who were trolling and doing TK when I was using Katyusha
You guess what Arwen and Nameless's response was?
Player "X" (I am) = spamchat
Player "X" (I am) = kick for bad language
I mean ... I was kicked because I was telling these 2 individuals, to expel the trolls players ... and in the end, they kicked me too for "trying" to play well without disturbing ... Pathetic! !
Now I understand why almost no one enters this server anymore ... Here there are inept administrators ... That is why there are so many complaints from several players to the administrators ... The evidence is in the complaints.
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