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He didnt stand in wall , he just passed and this ban will disappear afrer 24:00 so he can play at 00:01 . HF Creative .
Im sorry for that Creative because you are good boy and i know you long time . But rule are rule , and i banned you !bdis1day . Tuia will decide what next .
Tuia i just want inform that i join today about 13:01 on server and saw Creative how doing glitch . Ask Qlimax if you dont believe me . And i banned him 1 day . He is admin and he know rules . I think he deserve 1 week ban but you decide.
Dudeck you think you are the man ? . I ban you because you kick me and i didnt spawn radio because spawn radio is f1 f2 or somting like that . And i was use follow me or roger that was not radio spam .
And you Denny plzz stfu dont say anything if you dont know what's happend .
I just want say somting about Merlin and MADKILLER .
First Merlin is not hacker 100% just a flamer.
Second MADKILLER you banned alot of good players on your server rusbf for hacking . And almost all are admins here on SIMPLE including me . So i think you are the last guy who know when somene use hax or not .
Haha this guy Sepp or pistol he is a BIG IDIOT . LooL i say that because he tk-me in map more that 50 times.
Meskalero use nick Dragon or Dark Dragon i saw him on SiMPLE server few times and i didnt want kick/ban him . Didnt know what did you decide .
No its not me i fight vs this guy , he is weird but i think he is not hacker that's all . Didnt saw him long time .
GIanni_capo why do you lie ? . You didnt get a plane and then you put mine on me when i was taking off and then you tk me and yourself. That's why i banned you .
Ah ... No problem forestgump. HF
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