#2 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Invasion of the Philippines » 2019-03-24 22:40:57

Arkos wrote:


Ya, the number of PT Boats sux also a bit.

If PT's are reduced to one, (others replaced to normal Troopboats), would lead to Boat vs Boat MG-Battle smile


that could be fun....

#3 Re: Server Ban Appeals » I'm banned? » 2019-03-24 22:35:41

try again a few times, and then reinstall the mods if it still isnt working...
mods can sometimes be extracted but they are double foldered in the extract so they wont work.
look inside the extracted mod folder, if there is a folder within that one that contains all the mod files, move the second one (containing the mod files) to your desktop, delete the now empty folder that that was inside, and put the one with the mod files you put on your desktop back in.
i had to do this with most of the mods i downloaded.

#4 Re: Technical Help » OS upgrade » 2019-03-24 01:02:34

you should also be able to use playonlinux for linux mint and ubuntu if you want to play windows games.
also note that since my OS change, when i play bf1942 multiplayer everything red turns blue and it is extremely annoying. i may switch to an ubuntu build to see if it is better. i can try out a mint build for you if you would like arkos, just tell me which one.

#5 Re: Report Abuse » Hydra » 2019-03-09 22:35:43

mamba has more reputation than you... listen to him, hes a smart guy
and its ok to make a mistake. whats with this mamba v hydra thing anyways? can you live stream it on youtube so i can see? XD

#6 Re: BF1942 Discussion » BF1942 Tips & Tricks » 2019-03-09 22:31:22

somehow this seems like the idiots guide to bf 1942 lesson 69: how to die while looking awesome or stupid.
thats lit the worst idea ever, unless the tanker is a chicken?

#7 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Unban request » 2019-03-09 22:14:16

lol, i respect major merlin because he is a great player, but he talks in chat more than he actually plays.
sorry merlin XD
note that quickly typing sry when you accidently tk is a good way of getting a "kk" or "all good"
i personally always do that if i throw a nade in the wrong spot or whatever.
also i always write !ftk whether i think another guy tk'd me purposely or not.
i think it will boost your respect level within the community and people are less likely to get mad at you for accidents.
cheers, good luck on the battlefield ( :

#8 Re: Technical Help » OS upgrade » 2019-03-09 22:12:14

Jesus Villamor wrote:

Does your Linux distro a 64-bit OS?

AFAIK, the majority of Linux distros (primarily Ubuntu) are ditching out 32-bit OS starting 18.04. I'm still using Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise pangolin) as my secondary OS, but I can't upgrade any further due to problem regarding PulseAudio.

no, unfortunately my hardware doesn't support 64 bit, so i am using the 32 bit version of the distro. (there is a 64 bit one)
it isnt being actively updated AFAIK but it will be officially supported until april 2021.
it is unfortunate, but many linux distros  are aimed rather towards gaming, and not many gamers play 32 bit games, they all want new 64 bit ones.  so making an OS for a fraction of people with crap PCs doesnt really make sense from a devs POV .

#9 Re: Technical Help » OS upgrade » 2019-03-09 22:04:22

petr8 wrote:
therealscorchedearth wrote:

... WINE program, which gives you a virtual windows OS within your linux computer.

Wine Is Not an Emulator

i tested it and it works perfectly fine as well as being faster and better all around.

Wine causes overhead to provide a compatibility layer for the Windows API.

yes that is true, however, read the ban appeals section of this webpage and i think you can guess why i wrote it the way i did tongue

#10 Re: Videos and Screenshots » The Vicar, the fellini of BF1942 » 2019-03-09 06:02:44

i think this is the first time i have seen bf1942 parkour.
that was hilarious btw

#11 Re: Technical Help » OS upgrade » 2019-03-09 04:56:15

linux lite. it is a minimalist build, compatible with ubuntu programs.
the OS is much lighter than the previous windows one, so it frees up a lot of power for doing other stuff, faster.

#12 Technical Help » OS upgrade » 2019-03-09 03:54:30

Replies: 11

so i have been playing on a windows XP potato for a long time...
i should have done this before but i switched over to linux yesterday.
i want to throw this out there for anyone who may want to know.
linux lite is a minimalized build of ubuntu it runs way faster and better, has access to all ububntu programs AND! it also can play your favorite  windows games like BF 1942 through the built in WINE program, which gives you a virtual windows OS within your linux computer. i tested it and it works perfectly fine as well as being faster and better all around. don't throw out your old computer.  an os like XP that runs no modern programs ( like, say, steam) can be swapped out in less than 30 minutes.
if you want any more details or whatever, comment or PM me.

#13 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Wow n1 Admins... » 2019-03-09 03:45:26

it is mildly upsetting for me to see the way banned players behave...
i have said this before, but i have been banned twice for "disruptive gameplay" and i didn't either time go bitching to the admins about how stupid and unfair they were. why cant people just sit out their bans, or appeal in a reasonable tone?  personally i would add a week to the ban of any player who was more abusive in their ban appeal than they were in the act that got them banned.
can we just leave the admins alone? if they made the call, there was a reason.
and shut up in chat you guys. lol

#14 Re: BF1942 Discussion » BF1942 Tips & Tricks » 2019-03-09 03:34:46

i guess so, i dont do any coding myself (outside of *gasp* minecraft)
in any case, if that is true, then bftawika was a genius to think of it

#15 Re: Videos and Screenshots » High Scores » 2019-01-03 05:48:51

gee, i am usually top ten in every match (plus a few medals here and there) but this thread makes me look like a total noob! my best score is only 56! and that was with 21 deaths! (map=battle of the bulge) highest score with no deaths = 15

#17 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Banned » 2019-01-03 05:34:25

i must say, so much admin hate going on here. i have been banned twice for no reason which i was able to discern but... i respected the admins decision and played singleplayer until my ban ended. why does every one seem to feel the need to hate an the admins?

#18 Re: BF1942 Discussion » BF1942 Tips & Tricks » 2018-11-29 00:21:18

if you want to get out of a tall building fast, jump out a window and run into the wall while falling to not take fall damage.
does not work in the warfront mod.

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