#1 BF1942 Discussion » Igor' » 2021-06-14 19:40:53

Replies: 1

Who even thought of turning off grenades in Omaha? Are you out there in your mind at all? You do everything to make the game not interesting

#2 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Igor' » 2021-06-09 22:27:21

у вас "синдром вахтера" господа. нет идей как это перевести на англ..

#3 Server Ban Appeals » Igor' » 2021-06-08 22:49:40

Replies: 4

Hello. My friend was banned. His name is [pnh] kakaha.
He bypassed the ban for which he was banned forever. I want to ask for him that you unban him.
I have no connection with him except for the game and I do not know if he will write to the forum.
He's a good guy, just a newbie and still doesn't understand the seriousness of the ban. But for him it will be a lesson and I am sure he will not violate any more. I will have a preventive conversation with him as soon as I see him in the game.

#4 Re: Server Ban Appeals » igor » 2021-05-24 21:26:56

Zwarrior wrote:

Thats you running like a pussy:


I didn't run away from anyone, I just decided to leave because I didn't like the map. I didn't even see that I hit someone in a jeep

#5 Re: Server Ban Appeals » igor » 2021-05-24 21:23:01

and in general it was addressed to another admin

#6 Re: Server Ban Appeals » igor » 2021-05-24 21:22:18

Zwarrior wrote:

You must think that i was born yesterday or something.....

Your 3 days ban will not be lifted.

I'm not afraid of being banned, but it was superfluous to offend you, it's ugly, that's why I apologized

#7 Re: Server Ban Appeals » igor » 2021-05-24 20:20:20

igor" wrote:

я прошу прощения.... плохое настроение, а тут еще и забанили.
I apologize .... bad mood, and then they also banned

не хотел оскорблять вас
didn't mean to insult you

#8 Re: Server Ban Appeals » igor » 2021-05-24 20:18:35

я прошу прощения.... плохое настроение, а тут еще и забанили.
I apologize .... bad mood, and then they also banned

#9 Re: Server Ban Appeals » igor » 2021-05-24 19:56:32

Zwarrior wrote:

и за что этот дибил забанил меня в этот раз?

in english: And why did this fuck banned me this time?

now it is not 1 day it will be 3 days i promise.


#10 Server Ban Appeals » igor » 2021-05-24 19:33:25

Replies: 11

и за что этот дибил забанил меня в этот раз?

#11 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Igor' » 2021-05-16 18:29:45

1 day for a taxi? Are you seriously? why not always ban? the airfield was empty and I got to the plane only half way. What's in a taxi? The idiocy of the vertigo admin went beyond all limits. I will complain about it to the main admin

#12 Server Ban Appeals » Igor' » 2021-05-16 15:52:53

Replies: 7

I have no idea why you banned me. unban

#13 Re: Server Ban Appeals » please unban my friend-Krasnoyarsk » 2021-04-10 21:25:17

comrades admins! give an answer, will you unban him or leave a ban?

#14 Re: Server Ban Appeals » please unban my friend-Krasnoyarsk » 2021-04-09 11:28:49

Paul Baumer wrote:
igor" wrote:
petr8 wrote:

Krasnoyarsk is not unbanned yet, one more evading may cause an IP network ban.

Krasnoyarsk can enter and play, so the ban is removed. moreover, he wrote to the chief administrator-tuya. he confirmed that Krasnoyarsk was unbanned ...

Very nice of chief administrator Tuia to lift the ban(one of the many) without even informing himself on the reasons of ban from other admins. What do you need admins for then?

not the main administrator-thuja removed the ban. it is possible that the ban was removed by the one who imposed it

#15 Re: Server Ban Appeals » please unban my friend-Krasnoyarsk » 2021-04-08 20:21:50

petr8 wrote:

Krasnoyarsk is not unbanned yet, one more evading may cause an IP network ban.

Krasnoyarsk can enter and play, so the ban is removed. moreover, he wrote to the chief administrator-tuya. he confirmed that Krasnoyarsk was unbanned ...

#17 Server Ban Appeals » please unban my friend-Krasnoyarsk » 2021-04-07 13:47:27

Replies: 17

My friend Krasnoyarsk bypassed the ban by mistake
He could not register on the forum, so I'm asking for him.
Please replace him with an eternal ban for a week of ban. He promises that he will no longer break the rules.

#18 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Igor' » 2021-03-10 22:08:44

remember teamkill from last year. once again I am convinced that some admins are mentally retarded

#19 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Igor' » 2021-03-10 20:45:01

hello. I have no idea who I am a teamkill. just entered and immediately banned ..
during this time, players from our team killed me 2 times, but in my opinion I did not kill anyone, if I did it, I did it by accident. unban me already

#20 Server Ban Appeals » Igor' » 2021-03-10 20:40:13

Replies: 5

what was banned for? unban

#21 Re: Report Abuse » inadequate admins » 2021-01-01 15:39:29

Anna Nym wrote:

the fact that you can't communicate with the admin.

Now, John, read and understand - the day before  the same 'Igor' complained about
that other players chatspam and insulting and the admin doesn#t act !!!

I complained that you kick only the Russian player, but don't touch the one who started insulting my friend.

#22 Re: Report Abuse » inadequate admins » 2020-12-31 17:52:34

Now I don't even want to go in to play, how can I now communicate with my friends, how can they communicate with me if it is punishable? I don’t understand, I’m counting the letters now, so you don’t consider the text too long? And I still do not understand how this can interfere with anyone, I and my other comrades cannot write so quickly and so much that it at least somehow interferes. With the same logic, you can prohibit radio messages, which clog the chat many times more.
And I will add more. For many of my compatriots, playing in their company in the evening after work is a tradition and a habit that has developed over the years. We come in at about the same time, share how the day went, joke, argue. The game has become a part of our life for a long time, we also communicate in real life, visit each other, make friends with families. Now I do not understand how we should be if you deprive us of communication.
Сейчас даже заходить играть не хочется, как мне теперь общаться со своими друзьями,как им общаться со мной, если это наказуемо? Не понимаю,мне теперь считать буквы,чтоб вы не расценили текст слишком длиным? И еще не понимаю,как это может мешать кому-либо, я и другие мои товарищи не умеем писать так быстро и много,чтоб это хоть как то мешало. С такой же логикой можно запретить радиосообщения,которые во много раз сильнее забивают чат.
И еще добавлю. Для многих моих соотечественников поиграть в своей компании вечером после работы это годами сложившаяся традиция, привычка. Мы заходим примерно в одно время,делимся тем,как прошел день,шутим, спорим. Игра стала давно частью нашей жизни, мы так же общаемся и в реалтной жизни,ездим друг другу в гости,дружим семьями. Теперь я не понимаю как нам быть,если вы лишаете нас общения.

#23 Re: Report Abuse » inadequate admins » 2020-12-30 20:12:50

Paul Baumer wrote:

Prove your point, or apologize to those admins whom you called russophobic.

if you are an admin open today's chat on a wake between anna and the killer. I saw only the end of this conversation, but I realized that Russian players were being criticized there. this will be your proof.
if this is not enough, I will bring here a lot of Russian players who have suffered from this attitude

#24 Re: Report Abuse » inadequate admins » 2020-12-30 19:45:18

I insist that the administrator Anna is biased towards Russian-speaking players. Firstly, for my compatriots this is not news, she and a number of other admins have long been considered Russophobes because of their negative attitude towards Russians for a long time. For example, even today, when I went to the server, she and one of the players discussed the Russians in a negative light, but they stopped seeing me.
Secondly, as GANAPLOLSKY already said, none of the administrators have any problems with this, only you ban it for it. According to your logic, everyone should be silent so that you can kick or ban someone a couple of times during the game. Maybe no one comes in at all, so that the administrator has less worries? This is some kind of Gestapo.
Я настаиваю на том,что администратор анна предвзято относится к рускоговорящим игрокам. Во первых, для моих соотечественников это не новость, она и ряд других админов уже давно считаются руссофобами из за негативного отношения именно к росссиянам на протяжении длительного времени. К примеру даже сегодня,когда я зашел на сервер она с одним из игроков обсуждали в негативном свете русских, но увидев меня перестали.
Во вторых, как уже сказал ГАНАПЛОЛЬСКОЕ, ни у кого из администраторов с этим проблем нет, только вы за это баните. По вашей логике все должны молчать,чтобы вы смогли пару раз за игру кикуть или забанить кого-либо. Может вообще никому не заходить,чтоб у администратора стало меньше забот? Это какое то гестапо получается.

#25 Report Abuse » inadequate admins » 2020-12-30 16:30:38

Replies: 83

Why is this being done, comrades! in the 21st century, the descendants of the fascists are trying to impose their own rules on us. How could we allow those who have forgotten the lessons of history to rekindle racism and hatred! Once again, I ask you to deprive the administrative powers of Russophobes who are trying to ban the Russian language in the chat. People with such views should not have power.
Что же это делается,товарищи! в 21 веке потомки фашистов пытаются навязать нам свои правила. Как мы могли допустить,что забывшие уроки истории вновь разжигают расизм и ненависть! Я еще раз прошу лишить администраторских полномочий русофобов, которые пытаются запретить русский язык в чате. Люди с такими взглядами не должны иметь власт

#26 Re: Report Abuse » inadequate admins » 2020-12-29 18:18:14

you kicked him 2 times and banned him for the third time. and australia continued to play. and who is the slanderer of us?

#27 Report Abuse » inadequate admins » 2020-12-29 16:01:50

Replies: 7

This afternoon I witnessed an unpleasant incident that characterizes the state of affairs on the server. A player named australia began to insult a Russian-speaking player - storm vrn. The administrator did not stop this in any way, and the Vrn storm player began to insult the australian player in response. After that, the admin kicked the Russian player 2 times, and then completely banned it. At the same time, the australian player who started to offend stayed to play. I ask you to stop giving administrator rights to just anyone and remove inadequate administrators, and we’ll go down to a dull shit!
Сегодня днем я стал свидетелем одного неприятного случая,который характеризует положение дел на сервере. Игрок под именем-австралия начал оскорблять рускоязычного игрока- шторм врн. Администратор это никак не пресекал, и  игрок-шторм врн начал оскорблять игрока-автсралия в ответ. После этого админ 2 раза кикнул русского игрока, а потом и вовсе забанил. При этом, игрок-австралия,который начал оскорблять остался играть. Я прошу перестать давать права администратора кому попало и убирать неадекватных администраторов иниче мы скатимся в унылое говно!

#28 Re: Report Abuse » Igor' » 2020-11-19 12:23:36

The one-day ban yesterday was after you rammed me into a Corsair.

but I didn't ram your corsair. I drove up and stood next to me when the corsair appeared and pushed me away

Igor, go to the far end of the runway and play with yourself for the whole round.
That's fine.  Nobody uses that flak gun.  When your nonsense involves other players,

there are no jeeps, it will be inconvenient for me to take them there every time

#29 Re: Report Abuse » Igor' » 2020-11-17 12:28:38

thanks for unbanning

#30 Re: Report Abuse » Igor' » 2020-11-17 11:08:07

admin liar, this is something new. I didn’t ram the anti-aircraft gun and you. I only pushed you with the jeep while you were lying on the road for a joke and not causing damage

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