#1 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Joystick Setup » 2017-11-19 16:59:33

Haha looks like a classic arcade fight stick for mk...
Thanks for the hint Dr. Duke!
Though he disabled private messaging and I am not sure he already noticed my topic.
Did you manage to assign shift view
to the coolie hat without pressing shift?


#2 BF1942 Discussion » Joystick Setup » 2017-11-17 16:36:20

Replies: 4

Hi everyone,

as you may have noticed I am new to this and am sorry to skip introducing myself
because I lack some urgent info how to set up my joystick.
Would be glad if you answer (in case just some) of my questions:

1. What joystick are you using?
2. What sensitivity value did you set?
3. How did you get your Coolie Cat working? Further, is there a way to use it with shift view without pressing an additional button?
4. Are you using a joytokey tool? Is there an alternative of not to use it?
5. What overall functions did you assign to your joystick keys?
6. Which buttons did you assign to toggle camera? Moreover what about the F-buttons for radio?
7. How do you switch to infantry quickly? Did you manage to assign the mouse axes to your joystick for ground use?
8. Do you use the twist function for rudder?

Hope I didn't forget anything smile
Thanks in advance

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