#1 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Appealing Ban » 2017-05-07 06:56:07

You know exactly what you did. Period. And no, you are wrong. Twice. The third time i was kicked, it's on the video, I was spawned into blue. I didn't switch teams. I can certainly see this conversation isn't worth having. Have a nice life Arn. Try to be fair in the future even if you want to do whatever it takes to keep flying the bomber. I get it. You have the power.

#2 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Appealing Ban » 2017-05-07 05:32:09

Hi McCoffee

"what should your video show? Sorry, I dont get it. And you are telling lot of nonsense..."

No nonsense. It shows Arn trying to crash his plan into me and then shows me being kicked for NO REASON. I was loaded onto blue. How can I teamstack if I'm loaded onto the team? THAT makes no sense.

"You teamstacked several times,"

I switched to blue twice.

"you were warned, several times kicked, then banned for 15 min."


"Cool down a bit smile"

So, you are totally alright with having Admins who cheat, but if any of the actual players do anything remotely out of the ordinary (like joining the blue team...again...twice) they get kicked and banned?


#3 Server Ban Appeals » Appealing Ban » 2017-05-07 04:38:50

I was playing Simple RtR+SW [FRA] just a few minutes ago. Not only do I believe the ban I received was unfair, but it is a clear abuse of Mod power. I was on red while playing and decided to jump to blue to fly some planes since player Arn was destroying red with the stealth. I was kicked once for team stacking. I logged in again and I was on red at first but I switched to blue and I was kicked again for team stacking, right before I could get a plane. Both times I had switched teams. So, I guess this is normal? Regardless, I login the third time and as soon as I'm on the server, I'm on blue. I DIDN'T SWITCH TEAMS! I started to run towards a plane, and Arn tries to crash his plane into me. Which he did twice. He missed (both times) and I'm kicked again and banned. Why? Kicked b/c I might take a plane that Arn wanted? That is a total abuse of power and I think I deserve an explanation.

Adolf Shitler - Your player name.
5/6/2017 @ 830-9pm  - Date and time you were banned.
Simple RtR+SW [FRA] - Server name.

video of last login - https://vimeo.com/216344536
Take note of how he tries to crash into me.

#4 Server Ban Appeals » Unban request » 2017-04-22 17:10:05

I am seeking an unban. I'm sure I was annoying, probably got in a tk battle at the time, but I was banned about 4-6 months ago...don't these have a limit? A lifetime ban seems excessive, considering most of us play nicely most of the time, but sometimes we have bad days.

Adolf Shitler - Your player name.
Unsure (4-6months ago) - Date and time you were banned.
Simple RtR+ - Server name.

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