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playerno1 wrote:Yes. But if i was wrong then i apologise but someone was injuring me and it was only you and me in uncap
Lol you sniped me from the back and then taxi'd to the plane, then started saying that it wasn't true when I called an admin. Maybe you don't know but there are logs of what you say in-server.
I can confirm this is true.
Hi petr8
I still can not connect for the reason posted before. I use the Simple BF (FRA) file to start the game. Thanks
Sorry again, should be ok now
This player will not come back that easy. Report if you see him again.
It looks like it was a temporary issue, can you join the server now?
Unfortunately, your IP is not banned on the server side. It appears, your current internet provider is blocking access to the server.
what to do if its an IP ban?
Send me via PM your current IP address, and I will check it.
,,Failed to connect to server" + I can add that it pops up after the loading screen that has some soldier instead of a map, under the picture it shows some IP number and the loading bar doesnt move even a bit
Looks like an IP ban or issues with your ISP. Can you try to join from another network, e.g. a mobile internet?
What kind of error/message you see when you are unable to connect?
What was your last nickname and time when you were kicked?
Hi, try to join now. You should be able to play
Same here -_________-
What was your nickname and time when it happened?
Hy guys, I have the same problem, getting kicked for reason "(null)"
My username is ballyThanks for unblocking me.
Hi, sorry for toubles. Report if you ever face this problem again
Hei! I have the same problem - 2 days in a row now i get the kicked for (null). Can you help?
It seems you were mistakenly treated like a known bad guy, sorry for that. Let us know if you still unable to join
You were mistakenly treated as some known troll and disrupter. Sorry for trobules, you should be able to play now.
Hello, please, check PM
Hello, please, check PM
Check PM
Такого игрока нет в бан-листе. Если по-преждему не удается войти, сообщи об этом
Hello, please, PM me with his IP and keyhash, and we will resolve it
All servers are up now
The error says you need to download this package … x?id=48145
Hello, sorry for troubles, you should be able to join with no problems now. If not, please, let us know.
that didnt help, the guy is back. Today, around 18:00 CET, on Tanks a lot, again nick Bfsoldier...damaged every tank in main, ramming, disrupting at every possible way. Same guy as before, same style, same ping, same nick... Was here also few days before.
So, if u can do something about it, or Tanks a lot is kinda ...u know
Done, report if you see him again.
There was a BFsoldier_# on Tanks-A-Lot a few days ago shooting friendly vehicles. I tried banning him but he immediately returned and started SFVs again. I had to sit in one home base typing out the ban commands over and over for 20-30 minutes just to protect the actual players. Unfortunately, this guy has some way around the bans that keeps any ban from being permanent. My guess is this is the same guy. He's evaded so many bans once he's identified he'll be perm banned for all eternity...
That BFSoldier definitely got his IP ban.
No such player in the banlist, are you still unable to connect?
Happens. Can I find out when this clown festival will end and I will finally be unbanned?
My bad, sorry. I somehow forgot to remove it
Sorry for that, you both were mistakenly banned during a clown-fest
Looks like an issue with system locale