#1 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Why _# being appended to name tag? » 2023-05-15 19:23:48

Hi, Thank you for the replies. I don't know the status of the server before, as it happened on my first time in.
To be more detailed, the last time I played was the previous Sunday. So 6 days later, my first join had "_7" appended. I played for awhile, left and came back some hours later. This time, in my first join, I had "_1" appended. As mentioned, subsequent maps put my name back to normal.
On my first time in yesterday, again there was "_7" appended, and back to normal with the next maps. Next time I see that I'll ask the other players if the server crashed or some other particularity. Thanks! smile

#2 BF1942 Discussion » Why _# being appended to name tag? » 2023-05-15 01:37:56

Replies: 5

Noticed this weekend on the RtR+SW server that a "_7" was appended to my name tag. When the next maps were loaded, my name name tag went back to normal. I also saw this with the player "Keechman" ...was "Keechman_3" , then back to "Keechman" when the next maps were loaded. Saw this both today and yesterday. Any idea why this is? Thx smile

#3 Re: Report Abuse » Unwarranted ban, please reinstate » 2020-10-05 22:18:49

Im not overly upset, but  some, yes, in all the years i've played, i've never been banned, and don't like false accusations. We all play differently and all have different levels of skill. For myself, I like seeing the overall map, so i keep it in that state, so yes, i miss details at flags.

>Still difficult to believe for me that its happened accidently
So, you've never TK'd by accident,  i wish i had your talent!!! You've never been a pilot, dive bombed and mistakenly taken out a team mate? I wonder how many you've banned because they TK'd you and you're somehow sure it was on purpose. We all know the server has automatic kick. All other admins I've seen, will first give a warning if it's seen or being reported that a player appears to be TK'ing on purpose, and even then the admin will kick but not ban. I've only witness seeing someone banned on extreme cases.

Anyway, I'm also done with this thread, thanks for unbanning me ...with love

#4 Re: Report Abuse » Unwarranted ban, please reinstate » 2020-10-05 15:43:17

You're totally wrong!!! You just decided to assume, assume, assume! First of all, I had just joined the game as a pilot, I had one kill. Someone in that area gave an "enemy armor spotted" msg. Everyone knows as a pilot, it's easy/common to accidently TK your mates. My score was then 1 and 1. It's not like my score was -10 or something and/or had been reported by others for TK'ing. I was only in the game for a few minutes. You banned me so fast that I guess you missed seeing, or couldn't be bothered with my apology in the game, which was along the lines of, "Crap, ...sorry sad". I don't know what the game logs shows, but if it shows player msgs, it will be there.
Yes, I'm not the best player around, however, others here know that I'm a fair player and never TK on purpose! I don't know what the situation of the game was at before I joined, but my feeling was that you were just pissed off and decided to ban without any thought.

#5 Report Abuse » Unwarranted ban, please reinstate » 2020-10-04 21:07:49

Replies: 6

Hi Guys,

On Sunday, Oct.4, approx. 2:50pm, I joined the "Raid On Agheilla" map already in progress. I took up as a pilot, and after ~a minute i got my first kill. With a message of enemy armour, i dived and, unfortunately, accidentally killed my own team member. So with my record of 1 - 1, I immediately not only got kicked, but banned!?!?!?? WTF? Please review the logs during this time. Whoever did this band should be disciplined, totally unwarranted!


#6 Re: Report Abuse » Wrongfully kicked by RaketenHorst » 2018-08-01 23:40:39

Paul Baumer wrote:

Hi Arrow201,
Was you allied at the beginning of the round and didnt switch but got kicked by Horst for teamstack?
Look, RaketenHorst is strict on teamstack but he always gives a warning before to kick; and I really doubt he could kick you if you didnt switch teams cause I know Horst well and he's a fair admin.Except some cases, Horst always gives 1-2 chances for a player to switch back and he doesnt refuse to explain what the player does wrong.15 mins sanction happens when a player keeps switching teams.
Anyway your complain/feedback makes sense, thank you.I don't see here an abuse of power, but probably some admins should be more flexible on teamstack.
See you in game,

Yes Paul, your first sentence is correct. Initially, i came in as allied, I was the 3rd player and there was one already on axis.  There was no warning.
> ...Except some cases...
This was one of those cases.

>..See you in game..
Yes, that will be the last thing I see before you put a bullet in my head. smile

#7 Re: Report Abuse » Wrongfully kicked by RaketenHorst » 2018-08-01 05:06:52

Dr-Duke wrote:

Well I can't speak for RaketenHorst, neither for Tuia, wasn't there. Would be oversized of what I think or have to say 'bout this. But I'm pretty sure RaketenHorst just tried to fulfill his burdon of beeing "privileged" doing his duty as an admin, also maybe reacted as a player. And that, believe me, can be a blessing as well as a burden at the same time. wink

On the other hand, maybe you both had issues with each other before this. But that's out of my knowledge...

In the end, if it just was a kick you should never mind (but keep in mind) and respect that there are still ppl out there that do care about this game/server, after all this years.

I've never had issues with him. We've all been kicked for one reason or another and I don't have issue with that, but who likes being kicked without reason ?!  I don't know what logs are kept and how detailed, but they would show this kick was unwarranted.  ...and because of that, I felt I had the right to re-enter as I originally entered, and frustrated because I was writing my case, and before finishing, I was kicked again ...and then a third time and banned before finishing writing.

It certainly appeared Mr. RaketenHorst was on a rant around that time period. Not just me, he was kicking people left and right, no warnings, no "please switch", just kick, kick, kick in a short period of time. Appears to be an abuse of power to me. I've seen warnings and pleas from other admins before I've seen a player finally kicked. Players then at least have a chance to plea their case. That sounds like the democratic way to me.

Thank you for your input.

#8 Re: Report Abuse » Wrongfully kicked by RaketenHorst » 2018-08-01 03:14:46

Dr-Duke wrote:

Call me havin' Alzheimer, but somehow I think we had such a discussion already or this is a remake of a thread we once had some time ago...

Maybe around someone else ? This is a new complaint. tongue

#9 Re: Report Abuse » Wrongfully kicked by RaketenHorst » 2018-08-01 03:10:30

Once more ...when I came into Telemark, going into the map, it _defaulted_ me to allied (which I prefer), I didn't switch ! There was one player on each side, I made it 2-1 allied, what's wrong with that !?!  Yes, others came in and made it unbalanced. They should of been the ones kicked, not me !

If it was bothered to be noticed, I don't like playing axis ...it has nothing to do with purposely stacking and everything to do what side I prefer to play on. Many players just pick the side that they think is advantageous for them. Sure, I've gone into maps where there's more allied than axis but I've also gone into maps where allied have been greatly out numbered, but I still go allied. I have switched to axis if greatly out numbered and players complaining.

#10 Report Abuse » Wrongfully kicked by RaketenHorst » 2018-08-01 01:49:30

Replies: 9

At approx. 7:30ish Jul.31.2018, going into the Telemark map, there was 1 player on each side, I was the 3rd, and went allied, after the others joined and it went unbalanced, but not by me !!! ...as I said I was the 3rd, already 1 on each side ..., and then got kicked !!!
Since I was initially Allied and that is what I should be allowed to be, and before I could write my response, I got kicked again ! ...came in a 3rd time, same scenario as the second time, then banned !  Check your logs/video whatever you have, i'm right in this matter !

#11 Re: Report Abuse » True Love » 2016-09-11 21:18:10

LT Joe wrote:

player "true love" will kill TK for plane, will even shoot you down with flak to get it. Many Many Many and more than one games.

is there a hack, that can find a certain player anywhere on the map? player u00dOD4ddy and true love seem to have this magical way of locating me and where on the map, and can pick me out. no matter where I am, under a bridge in a building anywhere...  way too many times. I could do nothing, plane would bomb me everywhere I was. and it constant stayed on me until I die and when respawn 7 flags away, it would bomb me there I died 30 times and gave up.

This sounds very much like the same person as mentioned in my "Person to ban" post except I haven't seen him TK for
a plane. He did the same to me (finding me moments when I spawned in) after I questioned his playing ethics.
Another nick I've seen this player is something like "Love U2 jajajaja". My feeling is he comes in quietly, and gets a feel
if there are any admins before starting his antics. He may be difficult to catch, changing nicks and maybe spoofing his IP
as well(?)

#12 Report Abuse » Person to ban » 2016-09-07 04:04:56

Replies: 0

Don't know if you can check your logs but a player with a name ...today his nick was something like "Frederick Gallanti". He/she was on the FRA server somewhere between 7:30pm-8:30pm est. Don't know if your logs can grab this persons IP, this person uses a different nick each time. Doesn't take long for me to recognize him/her from their dialogue. I think this is the 4th time I've seen this person. He/she definitely has a radar
hack. I did a team msg (L) if any admin. ...he/she is on the opposite team and replied !?! ...so this person can read the other teams private msgs. This person gets a kick of just flying around enemy base (cap or not) and wait until a plane is going to take off, then bomb...
The nick "Cyber Babe" was on and he/she also agrees this person is using major hacks ..and they were on the same team. This person appears to be fluent in both English and Spanish. If you question his/her ethics, one of the sayings is "show respect" ...another is "jajajaja"

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