#1 Technical Help » Another "Data differs from server" topic - but DC related only » 2016-07-31 01:45:50

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First off, so glad I found this forum/resource.  I have set up a dedicated server and also have a client I am testing with.
Client crashes to dashboard after map load completes.  BUT, only if it is a Desert Combat map.  Meaning, if I start the server in DC mod and select any map (even the original bf42 maps) client joins, sees/confirms the map and switches to DC look/music etc and crashes to the server browser/dashboard after finishes loading.
Ive seen some earlier discussions on this symptom and a lot have to do with modded maps.  Everything is standard for me.
I can post pics of files folders if needed.  I may hve gotten confused with the multiple zip patch overwrites.

I am running 1.61 on the server and I have 1/61 running on the client

I suspect it has something to do with DC version. Ive got .7 on each though "final" was on both as well before some of my troubleshooting and the server set up still offers final though when I choose that there are no maps for it.
Suggestions?  additional info needed?

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