#2 Re: Report Abuse » FLICKOFSWITCH ABUSE & INSULT » 2016-06-30 01:51:26

thank you for responding so quickly i will have patience and hope this situation is resolved peacfully

#3 Re: Report Abuse » FLICKOFSWITCH ABUSE & INSULT » 2016-06-30 00:40:22

yes i know i saw we played together. but i got kicked and the admin insinuated many times i was hacking

#4 Report Abuse » FLICKOFSWITCH ABUSE & INSULT » 2016-06-30 00:33:39

Replies: 40

this is Moron #3, Jedi Jawa. been playing since beta 02 like most of you. today i have received an insult on a level so grand it is straight atrocious. flickoftheswitch kicked me because of my score. it was on berlin, with bots on after a long period of play. i did a lot of grenade spamming on the bots and achieved a very high score. then this admin flickoftheswitch had the audacity to come on kick me insult me, and insinuate multiple times that i am a hacker. There are very few players and servers left on this game bf1942. This act is completely unfounded and a straight up lie and i will do anything ANYTHING to prove these accusations false as they are. Please someone take action this cannot be allowed to continue just because one of the admins "doesnt know me" as he put it. and in other words my score is to high so im cheating that is bullshit and cowardly and childish. please i just want this situation remedied. thank you for your time and consideration. This is not just a game to me. This is the only thing i have ever really been good at which is why i continue to play. I dont like being insulted like this.

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