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Pages: 1
Alright , dear admin , can you please lift this ban for the sake of justice ? It's been like 10 days since i've been banned.
What's wrong with you e.S , i did something to you or something ?
Anyway , how do i lift the ban ?
I think you're a fucking cancer
What the hell , maybe it's a bit too late now BOO HOO HOOOOO
I teamkilled because the guy teamkilled me repeatedly.
The thing is , i got banned when HE teamkilled me , it's nonsense.
Of course , im obviously lying , what asshole i am !
Defending myself is such an horrible thing , damn.
Maybe i should be jailed by my country for getting teamkilled , awesome.
I don't know who it was
Friday 16 June 2016
Simple BF1942 FRA
Wtf , someone started to shoot at me , he kills me
I respawn , he tries to kill me again , i kill him back
I respawn again , walks near him , he shots me ... AND I GOT BANNED
HE kills me , and IM banned , wtf is that
Pages: 1