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Hm.. I'm more familiar with racing and click-n-react games where milliseconds matter where this comes into play. Don't know too much about fps games, but biggest noticable difference is ofcourse the difference between Vsync ON (limiting your fps to a low number) and Vsync OFF (allowing higher numbers for smoother refreshing)
As for DVI output, I'm guessing you mean a computer monitor? I for example have a 40inch LCD TV, I have a DVI hooked up to it from my graphic card mirroring my PC screen, but mostly for youtube and movies. But when playing games I can tell/feel a 30-50ping lag between my regular monitor and the LCD one. I even have them both next to eachother and can tell when moving around. It's hard as nails to "see it", but you can certainly feel it (like lag). Whether vsync has anything to do with this I don't know. Maybe it does (since the TV is limited to 50/60hz whatever while my computer CRT is not).
But there's also the technical difference if you have a CRT (cathrode ray tube) monitor or a LED/Plasma/LCD when you fiddle around with the vsync. Personally I still favor my big ass heavy CRT since those give off the best picture any day.
As for everything just slap that google and enter whatever keywords you may have regarding your problem, and I'm sure there will be detailed explanation from somebody who has more free time than me on these matters. It's a fucking compatibility jungle, like anything with computers/technology nowadays.
Well, that depends - what is your problem with bf in general? There are tons of ways out there to tweak your game, either by:
1. The nvidia control panel (I have nvidia too)
2. Download external programs to specify your fps (when you have it Vsync OFF it will be automatically the highest number possible on your monitor without specified control)
3. By going into the bf .txt files and change the values here n there..
I am no expert on this at all, so I generally piss around with settings here and there until I get something that works for me. Google bf1942 + (insert question) and you will probably find somebody with the same problem as you have on some forum. There is ALWAYS somebody who had it before you.
Note: The only thing turning off Vsync does is allowing the screen to refresh the game at higher numbers than default with Vsync ON, giving it a smoother look. Over a certain number the result is not visible to your eyes I guess, like above 200? But you can go to 999 or something like that, and for some games or certain scenarios the game will "behave" a little different, giving advantages or disadvantages on minor things (like racing games or something like that).
Somebody correct me on this.
I've talked with Musen tonight..
And yea, this isnt first time I encountered a "router" problem. Since 2-3 weeks back I've gone from 30 to 100 ping.. But however I noticed tonight that I started with 100 ping down to 80-60-50-30 throughout the game. The later it got, the less players were on, the more it went down...
It wouldnt matter much, but BF is unlike ANY fps game when it comes to lag... I'll say that atleast.
I'm no expert at this, but this is what I know:
Vsync means more or less = Vertical Synchronization
Meaning in nerd terms: It's how fast your computer monitor refreshes your screen. Whether that will help you in your lag or not, I don't know, but here is a tip anyway.
To explain this phenomenon, I'll dumb it down like this:
In fucking europe we have 25fps in our TV devices. Meaning we have 50hz in our electrical sockets (that means even you Lecter).
The Americans (and faglords, such as south africans..) for example have 30 fps in their TV broadcast, meaning they have 60Hz in their power outlet.
So, what do I mean with that? Simple. It's how many frames of film/movement/computergaming is displayed per second on your monitor/TV screen whatever,
We computermupps are not bound to this 25/30 shiz. Our fps (frames pers second) are limited to the:
1. Computer screen we have bought
2. To the 3d card we have installed in our computer
By default whatever computer and 3d card you may have, you have VERTICAL SYNC ON by default.
This means you have limited your (fps) or frames per second to the amount of 80/90 fps wich means in this case a "locked value".
This is good for alot of reasons, but hardcore gamers wishes to turn this value OFF for 'that little extra' benefit/difference they recieve out of it.
Vertical Sync OFF means pretty much you have the availability to go into your 3d card and turn it OFF (meaning it is not locked to a locked value, it means you are not bound to this 80/90 value, but you can change to whatever number you want, like 999 fps for example)
The higher number the smoother game. Having FRAPS installed on your computer in this case is good tool to check/see what your FPS really is..
So, in turn to do this easiest way:
Go desktop
rightlick, properties
Go to screen resolution
Go to your 3d card settings
Find and set your vsync OFF
Probrem solved.
(If you cant find it, it simply means you have the shittiest 3d card ever installed and have no option to do so. But even so I suggest you go to your 3d card manufactor and downoload tools in order to gain control of such features)
This has some impact on your gaming, depending on what type of game you play. Believe me I know, I am part of other scenes/games other than BF. This have MAJOR difference in games like elastomania for example. And world records etc. Dunno bout BF.. But worth a try,
/Drunk as fuck Balls
Private wrote:
"Yes Buckshot, I do read stuff outside “ban appeal” or “report abuse” threads on the forum. I'm not a flamer, nor am I a troll, there is no feeding here. I'm just a normal person like anybody else who wishes to be treated somewhat fair."
Dude you wrote almost 1,500 words whining over a game and how you are mistreated. You intentionally provoke your ban so you can get on here and troll way. Must be lonely in your Mom’s basement that you go to such lengths to get attention.
Dude you need professional help.
I do see your point in your posts, but take a time to read what you just wrote. Or rather "how" you wrote.
You make it sound as if I have suthenly changed my behaviour and learned to be a good person. But the thing is.. I've been a nice person from the very beginning. The reason why I didn't show any of this earlier is simply beacuse I never felt I got any credibility or respect as a player from some of you from the very start. I mean, before my name was known as a troll, some admins still treated me or others quite unfairly ingame. I came to believe this was a serious and pro server, so I just got disappointed and responded the only way I felt was appropriate. I mean.. take other servers that are far more abusive, like or whatever it's called with famous captain-abusive-admin (F1)Madkiller. If you get a kick/ban by that sociopath there is absolutely no chance to discuss it politely with him.
Zody, it's easy to say I should stop being so easily provoced.. but why don't you try being a regular player that gets kicked/banned randomly while you're trying to enjoy a game of bf. If I look forward to a game of bf and evening, got my beers ready, and some YourMother comes along and bans me for 2 weeks on a whim. Would you just close your eyes and count to 10 like nothing happened?
Btw how long is my ban now, 50 weeks or something
Alright tuia,
I'm going to be as constructive as I can and shed some light of how the whole thing went down. I kinda hope you read it twice and put yourself in my shoes, even if it's just for a moment. I know it's much to ask for, history certainly show us there is no need for you to make such effort for a "troll" like me. I'm just some random player among hundreds others that has been disruptive and gotten banned in the past. But if you make a cup of coffee, sit yourself comfortably and read it through, I'd be happy to hear what you decide on this whole thing. Whether the result is a permban or not doesn't really matter at this point.
After all the topics and threads I've made earlier wich got me nowhere, I decided to erase them all and start over. You might have noticed they disappeared 2 weeks ago. You have said yourself in previous topics that however wronged I feel by admins and fellow players I should just come to you directly about it, and not start teamkilling or swearing ingame. Very well, I thought to myself. Only reason I listened was beacuse dispite all the bullshit going on in here, I actually had at the same time a pretty good dialoge with Lecter outside this forum on this whole thing. Lecter did acknowledge what I was saying, but respectfully asking me to calm down and do things the right way.
So lets rewind time back to that friday (12th Oct). Timmos 2-3 week ban is still in effect, and expires on the sunday (23rd Oct). I send Lecter an email and ask kindly if he could lift the ban so I could play few games that friday night, beacuse I would be going away for 1 week the next day and not be back until next weekend. Nice guy as he is the ban is lifted, and he sends me off to play with the words:
Lecter: "I just removed it. Have fun and if anyone asks say that I lifted the ban today. Just dont engange in any argument "
So that's exactly what I do. I log on around 20:45 CET and its Kharkov map. There is nobody at the base except this one guy, I'm waiting for a plane. I get a plane and get bazooka up my butt at 20:50 from this guy. So at this point I think it's appropriate to tell the admins in chat: "hey, I just got Tk for plane by this guy. Pls kick him". No swearing, no screaming at all from my side. The admins on at that time are YourMother (sigh) and this guy Spriengmaister. So immediately after Spriengmaister writes in chat "Shutup balls" and YourMother decides on his behalf to ban me right there on the spot..
So here you have an perfect example of what my average day looks like when playing on your server. I go in playing quietly without drawing any attention. I get obvious teamkill wich anybody can tell just by looking at the map (plane, base, 2 guys there, 1 dead, chat says teamkilled), I make it known in the chat I got teamkilled in a calm manner, 1 admin insults me right of the bat and the other takes it on himself to ban me. Not kick.. but BAN.
So naturally I feel ashamed having to bother Lecter again 10min after I got unbanned, but I send him an email and tell him what happened. few hours later he replies:
Lecter: "You´re unbanned, i saw what happened and already told them in forum i unbanned you. im afraid some guys will "fall" on you but if u keep it with no foul language, mature, the way you write to me, ill back you up. Not against anyone in particular of course but ill back your reasoning, always in a diplomatic way so we dont get into extremes..."
Great, I'm unbanned again. I log on and continue to play. Now this is where my memory is a bit hazy, but I remember people reacting I was online the whole night, and started taunting me. I ignored them throughout the night and pretty much kept my mouth shut. Lecter was playing alongside aswell few games. Though later in the middle of the night these 2 boozos kept going at me so I replied with the same. No swearing or screaming, just bickering. At some point I tab out from the game to read an email, but I get tired and go to bed forgetting I had bf on. The next day when I wake up I see the game is still on, so I thought I could play few games before I'm off. But to my surprice I discover I have been banned.
Great. I didn't even know for what. I didn't teamkill anybody, hell I didn't even shoot or block people. I had few games of verbal tennis with 2 morons about me being unbanned.
So whats the deal here, what kind of dispruptive gameplay did I do, besides defending myself verbally at the end of the night. Even if I was over the line a kick would be more appropriate, or atleast a warning. But finding the next day I'm banned? And now there is talk about permban aswell.
From the outside people see me getting banned all the time. So naturally they come to the conclussion it must have been my fault, but just look at the YourMother scenario above. I'm not a victim of circumstances, not at all, I do my share too sometimes to get legit kick/ban, but this is just ridicalous. You people KNOW for a fact that I'm quiet as fuck and keep to myself for many hours during the game unless I get provoked. Maybe you should clean house and get rid of unfit admins such as YourMother for example, and stop being fanboys of eachother never giving the outsider a chance to make himself heard. Bottom-line, stop looking for an oppurtunity to kick/ban me as soon as you get a chance just beacuse I'm not part of your group and you don't like me. I know I should be more respectful towards the admins that have the hard job of keeping the server a nice place, but when you give guns to little children to do as they please I will hardly take it serious.
I should make a note of how I see fine figures of your staff such as George, Denny etc making references to "privateballs" in negative contexts throughout the forum. Yes Buckshot, I do read stuff outside “ban appeal” or “report abuse” threads on the forum. I'm not a flamer, nor am I a troll, there is no feeding here. I'm just a normal person like anybody else who wishes to be treated somewhat fair. Get it in your heads, or remain internet bullies with admin rights.
To make you all happy I can inform you that Lecter hasn't been responding to my mails lately, and I havn't gotten any explanation to this last action. I'm guessing he has given up on me or decided that I was just using him for unbanning purposes or something, I don't know. Either way that was never the case. But silent treatment was effective in the younger days, as an adult it just leaves me with more questions. So that's why I took time posting this giant turd instead.
I'm not surpriced at your comment. It just shows you do admit banning or kicking people on a whim, disregarding the rules you have set for yourself in this server and constantly moving the border for what is "disruptive gameplay" to fit your agenda. "I kinda like it without him" you say? It's not up to you decide who deserves a permban just beacuse you don't "like" that person. Like giving authority to kindergarden children.. Would you like it if you went to court infront of a judge for parking tickets, but the judge permbanned you from ever driving a car just beacuse he "didnt like you as a person"? Nice logic man, nice.
I've played this game since it came out, I've been in serious clans and usually my games in the past always put me in top 2. It's not that hard to be a score-hog in a tank like you. Nowadays I only come online to drink few beers, get wasted and have fun in the server. Unless you havn't noticed, I've taken a quite un-serious nick that reflects my easygoing gameplay. But you keep posting those awesome result screenshots.
Those who have something constructive to say feel free to do so, and those who wish to taunt me and highfive eachother afterwards are welcomed aswell.
My original 2 week ban is over long time ago, but I'm still banned. Noticed it the following day when I tried to log in after Lecter shortened by ban with 2 days.
This was last weekend (friday played, saturday morning banned). This time I don't even know for what (idle while away?). Didn't get banned while playing.
Someone triggerhappy.
So whats the story.
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