#1 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Banned don't know why » 2018-11-05 18:54:18

Madkiller isn't hacking or team killing since years ago, he just wants to have fun with me and buurping and a few others. I also understand if there was an issue, but would like to appeal for a reduction of the ban time or an unban. If there wasn't hacking going on and it was just swearing, then perhaps he, like many of us, didn't know that swearing leads to a permanent ban, so please reconsider. If it was a fight with Merlin, I would bet they were both at fault and that an admin only saw mad hitting merlin and not the other way around.

#2 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Plz unban » 2016-01-03 01:40:15

Shooting with a rifle a plane does not a valid point make, dont you think?

The two plane crashes that led to instakick and instaban were accidents. first i bombed my back pilot as i nose dived bombed our plane while he was shooting my back fin if I may add, and second i was firing a lazy guy in a plane but without aim and he was kamikazing himself and i was just unfortunate enough to get a little hit...

#3 Server Ban Appeals » Plz unban » 2016-01-03 00:28:47

Replies: 3

Two plane accidents and boom banned. Name is (cs)geeky. Half an hour or so ago

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