#1 Re: Server Ban Appeals » BAN AGAIN » 2016-09-22 14:21:40

Lecter wrote:

He got a one day ban from me, alot of players were reporting tking and sfv. Apparently another admin has banned him for 15m now. My advise for you: start behaving ingame.

Lecter what does it mean 'tking and sfv"?????

#2 Server Ban Appeals » BAN AGAIN » 2016-09-22 12:15:54

grey goose
Replies: 5

Ban again? Ban for what?

#6 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Unban GREY GOOSE on SiMPLE | BF1942 [FRA] » 2015-12-15 18:26:09

Easy, easy man, too many words.
Ладно расслабься чувак все ок. Я не собираюсь, никому ничего доказывать. Я никого не оскорбляю. Просто твое чувство юмора немного не оценило мою шутку

#7 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Unban GREY GOOSE on SiMPLE | BF1942 [FRA] » 2015-12-15 17:55:48

For Moldovian guy, whose bad understand Russian mems. I'll just leave it here


PS I sayd "Идите нахуй Я Д"Артаньян а вы пидорасы" or something like this

#8 Server Ban Appeals » Unban GREY GOOSE on SiMPLE | BF1942 [FRA] » 2015-12-15 14:10:39

grey goose
Replies: 11

I SCOLDED.......................on Russian. Because somebody in my team really stupped pigs. UNBAN ME !!!

#9 Server Ban Appeals » Unban GREY GOOSE on SiMPLE | BF1942 [FRA] » 2015-11-01 16:00:56

grey goose
Replies: 4

Dear admin!
Please unban me! I'm repair my airplane and somebody stollen my plane. After that I'm killed him. I know it was my big mistake. I'll never did again. SORRY SORRY!!!!!
PS Sorry for my English=)

simple bf1942 fra
aprox 4-5 pm. Moscow time 01.11.15

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