#1 Re: Videos and Screenshots » Posting Finally » 2015-07-31 19:53:59

i'm glad you are enjoying them, i promise I will get better at matching the video to music Winston, this is fun for me.

#3 Re: Videos and Screenshots » Posting Finally » 2015-07-31 01:20:55

good point, he/she was bombing tanks so i thought that would be fair game.

#4 Re: Videos and Screenshots » Posting Finally » 2015-07-30 23:46:16

new computer get things re-adjusted -

#5 Re: Videos and Screenshots » Posting Finally » 2015-07-30 22:32:30

Here is another for you

Oscar was in the server too as was  JoKer = Macro

#6 Re: Videos and Screenshots » Posting Finally » 2015-07-29 05:00:12

I'll just keep posting anyhow Winston, I hope you will enjoy my editing abilities! big_smile Like Mr P said I will not look at the negative side of this!!!

#7 Re: Videos and Screenshots » Posting Finally » 2015-07-29 04:57:38

It won't matter Winston, like someone said to me in private message: anyone that is good has to deal with the accusing of "cheater" cause of   people in the pass has sometimes has to go great length.  I knew making a video or posting videos won't prove anything cause like she said above

janet reno (TX) wrote:

I’m sorry, what are you trying to prove with these videos? You only prove you will go to great lengths trying to prove you are not hacking.

Some of us do one thing to prove one thing then when it happens they find or use another excuse, same old same old, I am working another video this time going to add little music to it, Flick was in there watching me.  Its alright Winston i'll just keep creating these videos and we'll just keep hearing about how i go to great length to cover that one up..  idk

BTW the person that made private statement is someone high worthy of note,  which I will not name that is within your group.

#8 Videos and Screenshots » Posting Finally » 2015-07-29 02:06:36

Replies: 56

New computer came in now i have full version of fraps: seems some of the admins would like me to post videos cause they think i'm cheating, I said before I'm alright on ground but air is where i love to be, here is my ground game :


i will make a music video of my air and i'll post more ground game. I hope this will clear some air, but Chavez can say this, there are some that said these videos don't prove anything.  Before  it was I was cheating now recently its the quality of player .

#9 Technical Help » Video editor: » 2015-07-29 01:43:12

Replies: 3

What besides the old windows movie maker, what editors out there would you recommend using making a music video? Is there anything that will work on windows 8.1 64 bit system?  New computer, full version of fraps!  Time to have some fun... ya lost email information so last account sorry tuia i promise this is it.

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