#2 Report Abuse » mega sux » 2019-11-20 17:27:52

Replies: 2

mega: tker and sore loser / aka beat by a woman with 300+ ping

hobbies include: long walks on the beach, stalking better players and switching teams to kill them, braiding his sack hairs, crying silently in his mom's basement

hashtag: 96a1fe671760fe4ea6cf56f623e7ea60

Vid Evidence:

#4 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Is sniper rifle exploit allowed or forbidden? » 2016-01-14 05:07:16

FoxCatcher wrote:

Just saying my opinion in the forums..

1) Jubilee: I have played with jubille a long time, and for me its a 50/50 about her using sniper hack. Even though she is good person you have to remember, that in the sniper there are a lot of hit markers. Which means you are likely to land 50 percent of the shots. Somehow the players found a way to make it work all the time. I'm a little suspicious when she gets "most" of the shots dead on. But the fact that she recorded herself could be on her side. Nowadays people can modify their videos and edit them. That is to say who know if she modified them. It will come down to game mechanics. I'm not fully convinced about her "sniper skills" but she at least is a good person, anyway just my opinion.

Ty for the input. Although, you must realize that on Twitch, I believe the only option is to record LIVE. Would be very hard to play a game, stream live, and edit the video as it's recording all at the same time, don't you think?

#5 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Is sniper rifle exploit allowed or forbidden? » 2016-01-13 22:23:09

[ECGN]BladeRunner wrote:

The sniper skills are possible but hard to believe without "help".
Imo, her pistol skills are not possible.
Test it yourself, when moving the pistol is inaccurate. She is not.

I choose to not play when she is online, sorry Jub.
Drink beer, lose the hacks.
Come back and play.


I'm certainly sorry to hear you won't play with me. When I started BF back in 2003/4ish, I was horrible. I panicked, I zoomed in at all the wrong times, I didn't know how to lead properly. It was my first ever FPS game! I learned to get better by getting my ass kicked in this game. Over and over. And to top it off, I was a young girl in a male-dominated game. I got a lot of "go back to the kitchen" bullshit that I still hear even today. Even though I've come far skill-wise, I still get people who say I am good "for a girl." Or how it's impossible for a girl to be good at this game. And even so, I'm not even close to the best sniper out there. You claim you watched my vids. I don't believe you. If you did watch, I mean thoroughly and objectively watch, you would see there's nothing to find.

I'm sorry I never got to know you; you don't seem like a bad guy at all. But to anyone who hosts an ego so large that they cannot fathom someone who can shoot well regularly... maybe I'm not so heart broken to not see you anymore. Thank you for insulting the 10+ years of practice I've put into the game by trying to illegitimize what I've accomplished so far; it shows terrible sportsmanship. Tbh, if you really wanted to learn I would take you aside and teach you how I do it. I would explain the methods to the madness that is moving and sniping and whipping out your pistol for a headshot. When you ditch your ridiculous theory, come find me on TS and I'll be more than happy to show you. smile

On a side note, I am actually very active on catching ACTUAL hackers. I've caught a good handful on vid near the end of 2015 alone. I am entirely against exploits; it's another sign of poor sportsmanship. So really, this only makes your words even more insulting and ridiculous.

Anyway, if I ever see you again, then great! Game on! But if not, it's your loss. I'll continue to game whenever my chaotic life permits. It's no sad story on my end.

#6 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Is sniper rifle exploit allowed or forbidden? » 2016-01-05 00:04:55

The reason seems that way is because if you're fast enough, you can shoot before the rifle starts to do that prone circle movement. While you are physically moving (W/A/D/S) keys, the scope does not cycle; your crosshair cycle movement is in an opposite correlation with your body movement. It only starts to circle after you stop moving your feet.

Hop in game and whip out a sniper rifle. Zoom in on a wall and look at the very first thing it does: your crosshair pauses and drops straight down before starting to circle. When I started sniping, I would position my crosshair just above someone's head and wait for the drop before shooting. This is easier when the target is prone or kneeling. But it also leaves you exposed as waiting for the drop means someone else has time to shoot you in the head. Then as I got better and faster, I found if you put your target in the middle of your screen before zooming in, you can zoom in easily as the target will already be in sight, adjust your crosshair while your feet are moving, and fire. If you can land the crosshair just where the head is going to be, no need to wait for the drop down. It took a lot of practice to get that down, because your feet are counteracting your mouse aim. Does that make sense?

And when they word it with a phrase "dead accurate" they make it seem like it's easy to do. It's not. Try it; it's crazy harder than it looks. I don't know anyone who gets it right away. It takes a lot of practice to get the movement between body and crosshair down.

As far as shooting someone after they lie down; I think the game regs reflect that a target is still standing until it is completely flat on the ground.

You can see some samples of the moving-shots and no-scopes on my twitch account. And you'll also see that it's such a hard movement to get down that I miss... A LOT. http://www.twitch.tv/jubibadtz/profile/highlights

#7 Re: Videos and Screenshots » Video Recording Programs » 2015-07-23 00:59:28

Hmm, I tried your settings. It shows up as a black screen still. I must be missing something.

#8 Re: Videos and Screenshots » Video Recording Programs » 2015-07-22 20:51:22

Orly? I do have the latest OBS. I couldn't get it to work in game mode. Maybe I need to tweak some settings...!

So far, I've had the most stable recording on windowed BF monitor capture mode. In full-screen BF monitor capture mode, I get this choppy recording as though it's threatening to alt+tab out or something. I'll mess around and see if I can get it in game mode. Thanks!

#9 Re: Videos and Screenshots » Video Recording Programs » 2015-07-20 21:33:55

OBS on Twitch is really simple for streaming these days; you just need good internet. BF1942 is tricky though, because it's old. You can't select game capture; I use monitor capture. You also have to run the game in windowed mode so the resolution isn't fudged up and therefore recording part of your desktop while you play. But I did just find a workaround to get it into full screen mode. It lowers my FPS but I still reg all right while streaming.

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