#1 Re: Report Abuse » "arnold schwarzenegger" excessive reaction » 2012-09-03 00:24:23

don't be blinded by his sarcasm, some of the George's right should be removed. Seriously.

#2 Re: Report Abuse » "arnold schwarzenegger" excessive reaction » 2012-09-02 01:56:38

Ok guys I accept your mockery, but I insist on the fact that George doesn't deserve to have such power because he is not able to make relevant judgments.

#3 Re: Report Abuse » "arnold schwarzenegger" excessive reaction » 2012-09-01 15:59:29

wow still you George with your ego problems and your naive assumptions (please don't try to make psychological relations like that it is just pathetic). But I am not surprised, you are often abusing of your little power, misjudging as usual (but I am not surprised that a guy called Arnold Swarzeneger cannot use discernment...)

I am sorry for you that you cannot make difference between provocation and to tease. Yes I said "FG, is it a word for faggot" because he was saying bullshits. No I didn't say something like "you are a faggot, or a bastard" because I was angry, just teasing him in order he calm down.
I assert that what I said doesn't deserve a ban, but a warning or a kick maybe.

Now, for the other admins, I think this guy, George, should be removed from the admin list, because he abuses of his power (just read the other topics accusing him) and makes the game a kind of dictatorship. An admin should behave like a model, not like a jerk who provokes people in order to ban them after, calling them "noob",etc (look the logs please, and remember also that he has banned me because he is such a hater, indeed I was sniping and kicking his ass at Omaha beach so his only way to beat me was to accuse me of cheat).
An alternative would be to keep him in the admin list, but remove his right to ban... at least it would make him believe he is still an important guy. I  wouldn't want him to have a nervous breakdown.

#4 Report Abuse » "arnold schwarzenegger" excessive reaction » 2012-09-01 13:52:23

Replies: 25

Hi, I ve been banned (again, first time was a mistake...) without warning.

Today, at 1.40 pm, name "your fear" by this unknown "admin": arnold schwarzenegger who was provocative during the game
reason: using the word "faggot" to reply to a hatred and xenophobic speech of a guy ("latino" something).

So, please, I ask for my unban ( or at least ban also the hater guy) and also to warn this immature arnold schwarzenegger.

Thank you.

#5 Re: Report Abuse » complain » 2012-07-27 11:20:19

Nateos | George wrote:

Now that you had put all your anger into this conversation, let me correct you : you were kicked for constantly provoking admins , being sarcastic ( yes, i have witnesses in LastResort and Sleepa),you have been online for a few hours, and i never said anything before you started flaming(clearly could be seen from logs,so i kicked you , not banned you) . i see where you are trying to go with your manipulative talk, clearly others are not stupid too.
On the other hand your friend, who sniped me when i was standing close to def gun, and i suspected he used hax, so i spawned on allied side and saw where he was laying , then i took the sniper from the dead teammate close by and tried to see where i stood before, and of course it s impossible...., just then i banned him, after he didnt want to respond on !wexploit command !!! ( the player name was "yourfear" , with ping around 166, and he got later on back, evading the ban again, with name "whore", and right after "LOVE" (when i told him the name was inappropriate).
and if you continue talking like you do, i m going to kick you again ,like others kick you constantly, because flamers are not welcome on any server, i rest my case !

digression : i bet you work in a PR agency, looks like marketing is your "strong" point .
ps.- image has been sent to tuia, it was no lie smile
have fun
George, 34 yr old kid

Hi George, just to correct some stuff. I just read this post. Now I understand of what you were accusing me, and that brigg is brigadier.
But as I said for the shot I was always moving of position so you couldn't check it. Then I didn't see your wexploit! stuff, I even don't know what it is (we are not constantly reading the chat, especially in sniping).
And concerning the names love and whore, i ve never used them, so that's very weird. (There is probably a way to check it with my ip if u don't believe me)
After, I kind of agree that you are too nervous sometimes and take radical decisions.
See ya in game.

#6 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ban appeal » 2012-07-26 00:14:03

Thank you guys for your comprehension and sorry if I talked a little roughly but I was defending me. You will see that I am fair.
@Brigg: idk exactly what was the accident, but thanks to have helped me
@George: thanks also for not oppose you. However I still don't understand the link with this brigadier.

#7 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ban appeal » 2012-07-25 17:40:22

Lecter wrote:

Terrence, how about u and me go to a empty server, omaha beach, and u show me where u were while im near the defgun?

now. tell me a server.

#8 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ban appeal » 2012-07-25 15:27:24

Oh so you are the guy who ban me, so let me see your proof shot. And how long my ban will be pls?

Ps I understand sarcasm just don't like to be teased by a flat joke

#9 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ban appeal » 2012-07-25 14:45:17

Nateos | George wrote:

yes, terrence, all we want from you is a "donation" of 1000 000  $ at our panama account, so, we can have fun on hawaii with at least 2 women doing us erotic massages all day long.
Might I ask you a question, do you also work in a PR agency like your friend brigadier , because you really are  good at turning things where you want them .
if tuia's response will be negative , you always have a few other servers , which are really good, like russian NBN, then rusbf.ru, netorn, which are mostly crowded and with great players like you smile

Man I thought you were only "saying" but one more time you accuse me implicitly.
Sorry if my second degré is too subtle for you to understand.
For your question Idk what a PR agency is, neither who brigadier is.
And for your russian servers I prefer avoid them because of the cheaters (the real ones).
I use to play with PB on MoonGamers or on yours because there are a lot of players and the atmosphere is nice except when the admiins think they are gods/not accept their wrongs.

#10 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ban appeal » 2012-07-25 14:36:30

No problem Lecter. When I will be at home, maybe in 4 hours.
If you are on the def gun, almost all the positions on the beach are possible to shot you, not only the corners.
However according to lastresort, the reason of the ban may be something else.
"Lord works in mysterious way"...

#11 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ban appeal » 2012-07-25 13:32:08

Can you enlighten me Grand chief tuia?

#12 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ban appeal » 2012-07-25 13:11:21

LastResort wrote:

lec i already tested it with george. its no problem. there are some other reasons to keep up the ban. and no terrence, im no admin.

Oh really? That's becoming funny/ridiculous. What have they invented now? And why are they so secretive? They may hoped that I would propose to give some donations to unban me lol. No way.

#13 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ban appeal » 2012-07-25 11:14:35

LastResort wrote:

i just tested it since i was sure i did that as well earlier and its no problem to shoot up there. greets

Lastresort are you an admin? Could you inform  them of your lucidity please?
I also don't know the litigious shot they are talking about...

#14 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ban appeal » 2012-07-24 18:21:21

George, man, you are over confident, I would not use my time here: 1) if there were more servers available 2) if you and the admin were not using "fair" or "justice" as a pretext to your mistake. It seems rather the victim was you during this game, until you ban me.
Again, show me that screen...

#15 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ban appeal » 2012-07-24 16:47:31

@dary: no sorry i don't know what xfire is.
@George: me too I play for a while and I know how to find the  snipers. At least show me this famous screenshot and I could teach you some stuf about sniping...

#16 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ban appeal » 2012-07-24 13:26:22

Nateos | George wrote:

I am simply trying to be objective as much as possible, after i tested it , i decided to issue the ban, because on 22 " inch monitor i couldnt find the target from the spot he was standing at , and that is low right corner next to the sea (i just came next to right defgun, in fact when i took the screenshot he moved about 5-10 m toward the flag,,,,,another thing is that as soon as i approached the defgun, you shot me, (1.5 sec at most), so hell yes, i can bet my 100 $ to say that you are guilty mister Terrence !
Let tuia decide , i will not object on any decision he makes and when i am wrong and if i am wrong i will appologize to any misjudgement i might have done.

George damn I don't know what you are talking about. As a sniper I am never immobile. That is the basic knowledge if u don't want to be shot. Your arguments are not clear at all.
Let's bet your 100 dollars, 1000 if u want. They ll go directly in to my pocket

#17 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ban appeal » 2012-07-24 10:57:47

Ok I won't insist because it seems not possible to reason you.
Ps: I can understand you want to be strict, but don't mention the fairness when it doesn't exist

#19 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ban appeal » 2012-07-23 16:37:57

Ok. What I am saying is that tuia cannot be certain of something I didn't do. To cheat has no interest for me. It is the first one I am accused of it.

#20 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ban appeal » 2012-07-23 15:58:24

From the beach you can shoot the germans snipers on the cannons of the second position, that is totally possible and that's what I did as usual. YourMother I have already played with you, you should know I am correct. I play also with punkbuster, there are no problems.
After if u want to ban me, ok I will play on other servers and u will lose a good sniper.

#21 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ban appeal » 2012-07-23 15:38:56

I don't know what glitching is, but concerning cheating I am really curious to know what I supposedly did. Anyway I  am sorry to tell you that your judgment/decision was not reliable, and probably very subjective. (Maybe an admin was simply mad at my skills)
You should reconsider my case because you guys are making a mistake. I know very well this map (Omaha) as a sniper, that's all.

#22 Server Ban Appeals » Ban appeal » 2012-07-23 09:21:52

Replies: 38

Hi, I ve been banned for a wrong reason. I was sniping (pretty good),and I saw an admin message accusing me of cheat. Whatever...I never used any cheat.

name: Your Fear
time: around 1am or 2am the 23th July.


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