#1 Re: Other Languages » Здравствуйте, товарищи » 2024-05-01 16:40:42

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С праздником, дорогие товарищи !

#2 Re: Off-Topic » Hear from our Russian/Ukraine friends? » 2024-04-23 20:14:24

Telrin wrote:
L0rd Waggachugga wrote:

How's the native population of Siberia doing?

Pretty good, actually. Population grow since joins to Russia.
You may heard about Buryats, who participate Russian military operation on UA. They are from Syberia, and they are native population.

Total count of native syberians (Yakuts, Buryats, Tuvans, Hakas, Nenetz, Evenk, Hants, Mansi, Chukches, Nanays, Shors, etc.):
175x - 160000 (roughly)
1897 - 822000 (roughly)
1926 - 719714 (census data)
1939 - 709686 (census data)
1959 - 826502 (census data)
1970 - 1033283 (census data)
1979 - 1141928 (census data)
1989 - 1349942 (census data)
2002 - 1507583 (census data)
2010 - 1584811 (census data)
2021 - 1607068 (census data)

Their culture and languages have been preserved, btw.

How doing a native north american indians (or yourcountry-natives)?

It's useless to explain. Whatever you say, it will be called Russian imperial propaganda, communist propaganda, Stalinist or Putin propaganda. These people think that only they know the truth, and everyone else is a victim of propaganda.

#3 Re: Off-Topic » Hear from our Russian/Ukraine friends? » 2024-04-19 21:09:10

Zatoichi wrote:

Tuia you are brainwashed and if you got your way, you would end up tearing down western civilization around yourself for this imagined fantasy, its sad, so old yet... so unwise.

Western civilization has succeeded
destroys everything it can reach. Middle East, most of Asia, all of Africa, Latin America. The poor economy and poverty in these regions is the result of the actions of the wonderful Western civilization.

#4 Re: Off-Topic » Hear from our Russian/Ukraine friends? » 2024-04-13 23:55:26

tuia wrote:

Hey HoOK! How are you? Why would nameless go to Ukraine?! He is not in the army. Everyone hears the jews media news that the Russians are getting forcefully mobilized, when it is quite the opposite, it is the Ukrainians that are violently being sent to the front lines, by their jewish masters.

The funny thing is that at the same time, the West is sure that we, the Russians, are the victims of propaganda. They believe that forced mobilization is being carried out in Russia, that there is nothing to eat here and there is no freedom of speech. They believe in any lie from their biased media. I am not a Ukrainian, but I still have many relatives in Ukraine who, for various reasons, did not leave there after the outbreak of the war. We communicate with them in telegram, but less and less often. Ukrainians are afraid, after each conversation they delete not only all correspondence and call history, but even contacts of relatives from Russia. They are afraid of their police, the army, their security service of Ukraine, their neighbors, they are afraid of everything. But they continue to think that Russia is a totalitarian country.

#5 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Banned for no reason » 2023-12-05 22:04:19

Happens. Can I find out when this clown festival will end and I will finally be unbanned?

#6 Server Ban Appeals » Banned for no reason » 2023-12-05 20:40:30

Replies: 5

05.12.2023  21.22 by Moscow time
I haven’t played for 2 years, installed bf, went to the server, didn’t even have time to change my nickname, after 3 seconds I was banned for teamkill. I didn’t see who banned me, and I didn’t understand why.

#7 Re: Other Languages » Здравствуйте, товарищи » 2023-12-05 19:48:50

Спасибо. Я обычно здесь смотрел, но сейчас там симпла нет почему-то. https://www.gs4u.net/ru/bf1942/

#8 Re: Other Languages » Здравствуйте, товарищи » 2023-12-05 09:46:51

Так сервер работает вообще ? А то захотел вспомнить молодость, погонять нубов и что-то найти не могу, старый адрес мертвый, на сайтах мониторинга пишет, что офлайн давно уже и список серверов в игре пустой. Патч стоит, если что.

#9 Re: Off-Topic » Gaza strip » 2023-11-04 21:57:24

I support the commentator who wrote above. Interesting reaction.

1. According to the UN, ( https://www.ohchr.org/en/news/2023/08/u … ugust-2023 ) the number of civilian casualties in Ukraine over almost two years of war is about 9,500 people. And this includes those killed by the Ukrainian army during shelling of Donetsk. The reaction of the world community:  is terrible, Russians are fascists, we will impose sanctions against every Russian, we will destroy the Russian economy.

2. In one (!) month of the war, the losses of Palestinian civilians from Israeli shelling amounted to the same 9,500 people, of which 3,900 were children. Reaction of the world community :

Serebro wrote:

Country is at war, people are dying and it's normal. Grow up. You can't be in a war without civilians getting hurt, that's how it goes. I am not going to continue this pointless debate with you, since I'd rather play or do smh useful.

A perfect example of hypocrisy and double standards. By the way, If Serebro still wants to do something useful, I would advise him to find a conscience somewhere.

#10 Re: Other Languages » Здравствуйте, товарищи » 2023-10-02 19:59:20

The famous saying of the ancient Roman lawyer is relevant for all times - Cui prodest? Just a few questions.
Who benefits from the weakening of Russia, the only real rival of the United States in nuclear weapons?
Who benefits from Europe's economic and political dependence on the United States?
Who is the main beneficiary after two world wars?
Whose foreign policy is based on aggression and the destruction of the statehood of independent countries?
Which country has more than 800 military bases located in other countries around the world?
Well, the last question is who will benefit the most in the event of a third world war, which begins, again, on the territory of Europe?

#11 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2023-07-08 07:44:33

Zwarrior wrote:

We are making fun only about Greta, as for the counterofffensive we are providing ammo and war vehicles to send Putin dogs to Saint Peter as soon as posible.

Do not restrain yourself, now political correctness does not work with Russians, so you can be honest - you provide Ukrainians with ammunition and equipment in order to kill as many Russians as possible. Well, the fact that even more Ukrainians are dying at the same time is just a nice bonus for the West.

#12 Re: Other Languages » Здравствуйте, товарищи » 2023-06-28 13:47:23

Serebro wrote:

Короче, ты посмотрел заголовки, а конкретно по ролику так ничего и не сказал. Хотя там много фактов, которые прямо "в лоб" и хотелось бы узнать фидбек.
Впрочем, я умываю руки, вообщем-то, как я и раньше думал, тут не с кем разговаривать, в этом треде. Не вижу смысла здесь больше что-то писать.

Ну а на что ты рассчитывал, доказывая что-то недоделанным ? )

Serebro wrote:

Джойнт и Инсейн, ну чего вы пытаетесь доказать этим недоделанным? Они всю жизнь в говне жили и так привыкли

#13 Re: Other Languages » Здравствуйте, товарищи » 2023-06-27 23:42:34

aphrodie wrote:
+Dima+ wrote:

Угадайте с первой попытки в какой стране больше всего активных редакторов русского сегмента википедии.

ты нашел статью?

Даже не пытался, потому что источники, откуда Insane берёт информацию, это какая-то параллельная реальность, имеющая мало общего с нашей.

#14 Re: Other Languages » Здравствуйте, товарищи » 2023-06-27 23:37:37

Serebro wrote:

Вот разбор очень адекватного журналиста. Советую всем посмотреть.

Для журналиста важна не только адекватность, но в такой же мере и непредвзятость. А с данным качеством у этого товарища явные проблемы. Впрочем, как и с адекватностью. Для аудитории типа Insane, конечно, самое то, но для любого хоть немного критически мыслящего человека все сразу ясно. Не поленился и скопировал названия последних видео с его канала.

-Путин косит под неадеквата, боевая саранча нападает, пропаганда засомневалась насчет ядерной войны.
-Как Путин украл 9 мая.
-Юлия Латынина о двойниках Путина, контрнаступлении ВСУ и распаде России.
-Что не так с путинским «чудо-оружием». «Кинжал» против Patriot.
-Кринжовые шутки Путина, фейки от Патрушева и новые перлы пропаганды.
-Как Путин облажался с картой, горе-генерал в Белгороде и провал пропаганды с Залужным.
-Будет ли в России гражданская война?
-Как Путин путался в потерях ВСУ, лгал и манипулировал.
-Путина несет, в школах зигуют, в барах заставляют петь «Любэ».
-Медведев хочет быть Сталиным, Путин ложится под Китай, Вика Цыганова находит портал в ад.

#15 Re: Other Languages » Здравствуйте, товарищи » 2023-06-27 20:47:41

Угадайте с первой попытки в какой стране больше всего активных редакторов русского сегмента википедии.

#16 Re: Other Languages » Здравствуйте, товарищи » 2023-06-20 15:10:30

А можно ссылку на этот самый российский источник? Надеюсь, это не тот, который на вотермарке.

#17 Re: Other Languages » Здравствуйте, товарищи » 2023-06-19 21:59:49

Insane, а чего это ты убрал фотографию, неужели эта информация оказалась заведомой ложью ? Ну так нам не привыкать, другой информации от украинских источников и не бывает. Это вы там до сих пор наивно верите в то дерьмо, которым вас кормят и ради которого вы продолжаете погибать.

#18 Re: Other Languages » Здравствуйте, товарищи » 2023-06-12 15:34:15

seventy wrote:

This is continuation of thread "World War III" ? Made a lot of sense to close the topic *eyeroll*

It's funny that free and democratic Western countries have always accused Russia of censorship and restrictions on freedom of speech. And now one kind of Russian flag is enough to close the topic on the forum. By the way, an exclusively Russian-language topic. Ah, this amazing democracy and freedom.

#19 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2023-04-08 10:40:45

joint wrote:

Sure, ukrainians have lack of motivation, still make lgbt community out of russians and teach them the "values" lol
Imagine what it will be looking like when the motivation will be delivered. You fools should feel fear and do revolution. Go to the streets for coup now. Get up of your knees and burn kremlin down. get free, slave.


Free Ukrainians are motivated and gladly go to defend their country. Or is this also Putin's propaganda? You fools should feel fear and do revolution. Go to the streets for coup now. Get up of your knees and go to the Maidan, stop dying for the interests of a government that is alien to you. Get free, slave.

#20 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2023-04-07 20:43:21

Well, of course, Russians are a priori all slaves and simply cannot do something or even think on their own, but only what the authorities order. This "true" story is more than hundred years old, and for some reason Ukrainians especially love it. Maybe it's time to come up with something new? And then against the backdrop of freedom-loving Ukrainians, who are forcibly mobilized and forced to die for, this story looks pale.

#21 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2023-04-07 19:34:44


The case when you rejoice that you are a wild Russian barbarian and the head of state, an evil dictator who will never allow such shit.

#22 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2023-03-31 22:44:30

joint wrote:
+Dima+ wrote:
joint wrote:

freedom or death is not just words.

Wow, so pathetic. And you also laugh at Russian propaganda without seeing how brainwashed you are.

As is. Will i just die and you go to heaven?

No, all Ukrainians will also go to heaven, because they are dying for holy causes: the United States has now become the largest supplier of crude oil to the European Union, until recently Russia was the main supplier of crude. Russia's share of Europe's natural gas imports has plummeted, from 31% in the first quarter of 2022 to almost 19% by the end of the year. This made the United States the second largest supplier of gas to the EU with a share of almost 20% after the main source of Norway, which accounts for almost 31% of EU gas imports. So keep dying, your masters need to get ahead of Norway and become the main supplier of gas to the EU. Nothing personal, just business. Oh sorry, freedom or death.

https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/28/ener … index.html
https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/01/busi … index.html

#23 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2023-03-31 14:42:24

joint wrote:

freedom or death is not just words.

Wow, so pathetic. And you also laugh at Russian propaganda without seeing how brainwashed you are.

#24 Re: Other Languages » Здравствуйте, товарищи » 2023-03-30 12:01:26

Перенесу немного срача о политике сюда, ибо перевод славянизмов на английский потеряет всю суть. Хотелось бы донести до Insane, что строки стихотворения Шевченко «К Основьяненко» , "Вот в чём, люди, наша слава/Слава Украины!", имеют совершенно разный смысл со "Слава Украине". Надеюсь, Insane не настолько забыл и ненавидит русский язык, чтобы не видеть разницы. Про Чубинского вообще смешно упоминать, там Украина и слава даже в связи не состоят. С героям слава такая же ситуация. А вот именно в таком виде "Слава Украине! Героям слава" эти слова использовались членами УПА, ну и прочей нацисткой швалью, как приветствие/отзыв, скопированный у фашистов. И Шевченко и Чубинский это топорные попытки отмазаться от фашистского прошлого этой фразы, так любимой украинцами. Короче, все это мелочная ерунда, но все таки иногда надо более критически относиться к информации в украинских пропагандистских брошюрках.

#25 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2023-03-30 11:18:52

Classic, if there are no arguments and facts, start insulting your opponent. There is a wonderful expression: propaganda does not make idiots out of people, it is originally designed for idiots. insane is a perfect example of this.

#26 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2023-03-30 08:17:33


I have long wanted to ask Ukrainians what their national slogans symbolize? For example, a rally attended by tens of thousands of people. At what not some ultras, but ordinary people. The whole crowd is chanting - "Glory to Ukraine. Glory to the heroes", this, for those unfamiliar with history, is a copy from the fascist greeting from the time of Hitler - "Heil Hitler! Sieg Heil!" (Glory to Hitler! Glory to Victory!). And they also shout "Ukraine above all", which, surprisingly, is also an exact copy of the Nazi slogan and the first line of the German anthem from the time of Hitler "Deutschland über alles" (Germany above all). But there is no Nazism in Ukraine, we all know this, so this is of course just a coincidence, ok. But the last slogan that all these people shout is the most interesting - "Death to enemies." Let me remind you that this rally was on October 15, 2013. There was no Maidan yet, there was no war in the Dobass, Crimea is still Ukrainian and Russia has not attacked Ukraine. Then who are the enemies of these wonderful people and to whom they wish death?

#27 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2023-03-29 19:11:12

Arkos wrote:


Between they send T-54 and T-55 to the front.



Everything is even worse. The information is absolutely true. After all, sources in Western media can always be trusted, this is not Russian propaganda.
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#28 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2023-03-29 13:38:48

Admins, don't you think that even in such a sensitive topic, insulting an opponent is a violation of forum rules? The rhetoric of Simon, Insane and Joint has long gone beyond civilized communication, and yet they imagine themselves to be real civilized Europeans.

#29 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2023-03-28 20:07:04

simon wrote:

it's not possible to talk about russian problems, corruption and actions without mentioning USA or the west. Everything is someone else's fault and russia is a paradise - got it, zalupa

It's funny to hear this from a resident of Estonia, a country that considers only Russia to be the cause of all its problems.

#30 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2023-03-28 15:38:49

ABAS wrote:

same source of news:


this method usually is being used by shepards to not let their sheeps escape

This is not completely true information. In fact, Putin himself personally rides a bear behind the advancing units and cuts down those who retreat with a saber.

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