#1 2020-02-26 14:19:43

Reputation: +18
Registered: 2019-10-08
Posts: 44
Windows 10 Chrome 79.0

Invasion of crete

The other day my internet went off so played against AI (so boring!!). Tried the invasion of crete map, wondered why we never have it on the simple server? Or is it on road to rome?


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#2 2020-02-26 15:24:12

Marshal Murat
Reputation: +337
Registered: 2019-08-09
Posts: 930
Windows 7 Chrome 79.0

Re: Invasion of crete

tristan wrote:

The other day my internet went off so played against AI (so boring!!). Tried the invasion of crete map, wondered why we never have it on the simple server? Or is it on road to rome?

it has to be in new maps and it is pretty decent map to tell you the truth, but bots only move if you're next to them (only left side spawn), but as for the others they do move, but main spawn, bots just fool around and they do nothing, allied bots are buffed, they're pretty much same AI as in other casual maps, what about rtr+sw expansions, it's not one of them, it's made from moddb and we don't think we can add it, but the time flies very very fast and we might decide, thanks for our feedback.

Last edited by Goldie (2020-02-26 15:27:37)


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