#1 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Banned for "wrong strategy"? » 2014-08-19 16:41:31

s[sk] wrote:

2014-08-19 12:30:58 : # [Global] Xocator: are glitchers bad persons? 
2014-08-19 12:31:04 : # [Global] pickle: yes 
2014-08-19 12:31:11 : # [Global] Xocator: why? 

2014-08-19 14:38:37 : # [Global] Xocator: IS IT ALLOWED TO GLITCH? 

2014-08-19 16:26:20 : # [Global] Xocator: PLEASE CAN I GLITCH


I did not plan or do any actual glitching. I was banned for writing these messages?

#2 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Banned for "wrong strategy"? » 2014-08-18 20:00:03

s[sk] wrote:

you're still glitching? that's pathetic

Before making a comment you should at least read all the posts in the thread. But I understand it's too long to keep track of it, so read this.

It was done just to showcase the glitch. Before that, I asked "Want me to show a glitch?"
The server was very lightly populated when I did this, something like 15 players? I thought it would be cool to show this stuff in an already boring game.
I stayed in that wall for just a minute, again reiterating that it was just a show-off, and then I allowed myself to be killed, so that the game could go on.

#3 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Banned for "wrong strategy"? » 2014-08-18 19:38:45

YourMother wrote:

and hear for you to read only one min in wall... for sure:

2 mins at most.

YourMother wrote:

I told him, he could be banned and was prepaired to ban him at least for 1 day, but then, he made somehow a mistake and he was half in/outside wall and i killed him.

It was not a "mistake". Was intentional. So i could get killed and the game could go on.

#4 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Banned for "wrong strategy"? » 2014-08-18 19:13:44

YourMother wrote:

No it was another guy who reported you and it was more as 3-4mins in omaha (other ppl screams to that you should move the apc)

and shit off if the server is empty or full glitcher are same like fu cheaters... so be happy that you gets no permban.

When you want test so a shit do it on a private channel or your own server, but not here!

I explained, holding that apc was a part of a strategy.

Do you understand you correctly, that it's a perfect basis for banning me, the fact that I was controlling apc as I saw fit?

#5 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Banned for "wrong strategy"? » 2014-08-18 19:07:03

YourMother wrote:

You disrupted few days ago the game, ctf glitching with flag in wall, so that no other can get it (we have a thread about you...) first you gets no ban for this...

now you blocked all the time the apc so that no one cant move with it(you sit more as 10mins it/was more as 1 chance to cross the hill), again disrupting, now you gets your ban.

Pls play fair dont teamsabotage.

"But there was one player named "Jucator", he was using glitches, ... as he said, for showing. "


First, let me comment on my omaha ban.
You said it was 10 minutes. It was no longer than 3-4 mins - the time when I was in control of apc.
There was strategy behind this - every time the middle flag was neutralized, apc would be used to take the flag back. This strategy was working for some time before we failed.

The glitching with wall on berlin ctf.
It was done just to showcase the glitch. Before that, I asked "Want me to show a glitch?"
The server was very lightly populated when I did this, something like 15 players? I thought it would be cool to show this stuff in an already boring game.
I stayed in that wall for just a minute, again reiterating that it was just a show-off, and then I allowed myself to be killed, so that the game could go on.

#6 Server Ban Appeals » Banned for "wrong strategy"? » 2014-08-18 18:47:16

Replies: 17

- Your player name - Jucator
- Date and time you were banned - 18 August, half an hour before this post was made.
- Server name - Simple

I received a 1 week ban for "disrupting gameplay".
Map was omaha, the allies had the middle (bunkers) flag, and also had the ticket lead over axis, something like 500-350. I judged that we could win by just keeping this middle flag, and that could be done (in my view) by having apc on one of the ramps, to serve as a spawn point in case the flag is neutralized.

So I controlled the apc and stayed on the right ramp, just short of going up.
However, this did not work and somehow axis managed to get the middle flag, and my apc was destroyed.
joint and Cyrus asked me a few times to go up with the apc, but I remained reluctant, since it could be easily destroyed by tanks/defgun. Also they were using quite inflammatory words for this, such as the f-word (I thought it was not real joint because of this?). DrStrange was in the game, I asked him as to what I should do, but he didn't see my message or chose not to reply.

So basically we lost the middle flag. That's when I got banned by Cyrus for disrupting gameplay.
I have to admit that the apc handling was a strategic mistake on my part. It was a "miscalculated risk" that I took, it didn't pay off. But is it really a legit ground to ban me?

#8 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Battlefield 1942 Questions & Answers » 2013-11-02 09:30:20

X=X=X=X=X=X=X=X wrote:

- how fast and high can airplanes fly in bf1942 ?
all planes can reach roughly 900 meters above ground / sea level. top speeds for fighterplanes : near ground / sea level ~ 240 km/h, at max altitude ~ 340 km/h, dive from max altitude ~ 475 km/h

Does this mean that "air resistance" decreases with altitude? The higher you fly, the faster your horizontal speed will be?

#9 Re: Videos and Screenshots » Battlefield 1942 - Trailer by me :D » 2013-08-10 10:19:37

Much better than what they have on so called "official website" of the game, http://www.battlefield.com/battlefield-1942
And all they have is some low-quality screenshots..
This video should be posted there big_smile

#10 BF1942 Discussion » The Torture Box - left for dead? » 2013-08-10 10:14:54

Replies: 77

What happened to The Torture Box? It hasn't been online for more than a day now.

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