#1 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ban -=TL=- FrutiBate » 2012-06-14 20:04:06

I can't believe it!
I enter the server and again that guy named "GuyWithNoLuck" bans me. It's a total disrespect for having an admin like this. He is not a neutral admin. He just applies rules for the one he doesn't like. Please go talk to him and tell him he has to respect all players and the decisions of the administrators.

How is it that I'm banned again and again for a "suspicion"? Things like this make the server less serious and the quality of the game goes down.

#2 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ban -=TL=- FrutiBate » 2012-06-14 19:46:16

I've never used cheats, have PunkBuster, and play respecting all the rules. I've played in serious servers like Cerolag in Argentina (where I'm from). I play this game since years. And it was weird that a good player like "Guy with no luck" can't accept the fact that there are also other good players that can beat him. I remember he was 7 - 7 - 0. So he might got annoyed because I caught him. But please, admins, try to look better before punishing a player.

Good luck.
Going to the server again.
Thanks for unbanning and quick response.

#3 Server Ban Appeals » Ban -=TL=- FrutiBate » 2012-06-14 17:48:30

Replies: 18

Name: -=TL=- FrutiBate
Date: 14/06/2012 12:40 (-3 UTC)

I was in Bocage, flying my mustang. The player "Guy with no luck" kill me twice, then I killed him. I put "2-1" on the general chat. Then I saw "Guy with no luck" in my side. He said something and then wrote !ban #20 (that was my number). And here I am

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