#1 Re: BF1942 Discussion » bf1942 on Windows 11 » 2023-12-09 18:06:52

Try google your request. you should be directed to microsoft servers that guide you to the update.

Sommarel wrote:

Hello Mamba

It's nice of you to reply. I downloaded yesterday this file: dgVoodoo v2.82.1 - for regular usage (released: 2023.11.28). It seems to be the same file as the one you suggest, perhaps in a more up-to-date version?

I put some files in the main game folder. It now works.

Do you know how I can update direct X (I had version 12 I think on windows 11) because I stupidly updated an older version (version 9) thinking it would solve the problem...

#3 BF1942 Discussion » kick from server » 2023-12-09 18:01:05

Replies: 1

just played R2R server. got kicked 17h00, 09.12.2023.
why? I was best player in team, superb score, not aware of any tk no matter how accidential. why kick?

#4 BF1942 Discussion » crowded server madness » 2023-11-24 00:00:50

Replies: 1

Just a curious question to anyone keen to share some thoughts.
Back in the days of Battlefield1942 servers were usually capped at 32 players or 16 players if I remember correctly.

The remaining servers now are madhouses with 60 players causing havoc. Ontop the maps are packed with much more planes. Even good old market garden was turned into a plane hell.
To me this killed everything that made BF42 so unique. Some maps were hectic, other meant minutes of tank cruising without contact. Now its just die - spawn - eat 10 granades - spawn - die by 3 planes - spawn - eat 20 granades - spawn ... and so on.
Is there really folks out there that like it this way?

I prefer the RtR / secret weapons server. There is usually no more than 8 players and everything is much more relaxed.

#5 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Warum Bann? » 2023-11-13 17:53:53

maulaf wrote:

Ich wollte hier nochmal nachhaken. Ich habe die letzten Wochen ausschließlich auf dem RtR / SW-Server gespielt.
Als ich heute auf den klassischen Server gehen wollte musste ich feststellen, dass ich mit connecten auf den Server gekickt werde.
Kann man jemand nachgucken warum? Wie lange? Ist das ein Ban, der durch Kicks quasi seine Wirkung zeigt?

ah ok. Ich glaube der user war mal wieder der Verursacher.
Mein PC schmeißt nach Neustart den VPN automatisch an. Das habe ich nicht geschnallt smile

#6 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Warum Bann? » 2023-11-13 17:27:43

Ich wollte hier nochmal nachhaken. Ich habe die letzten Wochen ausschließlich auf dem RtR / SW-Server gespielt.
Als ich heute auf den klassischen Server gehen wollte musste ich feststellen, dass ich mit connecten auf den Server gekickt werde.
Kann man jemand nachgucken warum? Wie lange? Ist das ein Ban, der durch Kicks quasi seine Wirkung zeigt?

#7 Re: BF1942 Discussion » bf1942 on Windows 11 » 2023-11-08 14:19:15

just to conclude on this topic:
Voodoo 2 does the trick. The game plays as nicely as it did 20 years back smile

#8 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Warum Bann? » 2023-11-08 14:18:04

Hi Arkos. Dann war es wohl ein gewöhnlicher Kick ohne Bann?

#9 BF1942 Discussion » Warum Bann? » 2023-10-25 17:43:56

Replies: 7

Hallo zusammen.
Ich habe heute den Tag über recht viel gespielt und wurde nun gebannt. Frisch nach dem mapchange, das Spiel gerade 2 min alt.
Ich wurde einmal gekillt und bin dann mit dem Panzer los gezuckelt und auf einmal hängt alles und ich sehe noch Bann aber nicht warum.
Nach meinem Wissen hatte ich keinen TK und im Chat nicht mal 1 Wort geschrieben.
Was soll das? Wäre ja nett wenn ihr irgendwo schreibt warum ihr Leute bannt. Warum? Wie lange? Was soll die anscheinende Willkür?

#10 Re: BF1942 Discussion » bf1942 on Windows 11 » 2023-08-24 15:24:17

I downloaded dg Voodoo 2 now and this permits the game to run. I just did a quick test and the menu appears in order and the game loads and I can play. I will check later to see if it really works proper, but so far so good smile

#11 Re: BF1942 Discussion » bf1942 on Windows 11 » 2023-08-24 08:24:35

Serebro wrote:

I am using a windows 11 with modern directx without compatibility of winxp or any other.

Is there another hardware you can try to install it on? Like a secondary laptop or smth?
If it runs perfect there, then I'd assume it's maybe due to video adapter/drivers/directX related and perhaps a fresh reinstall will do the trick. Or no smile

I don't quite follow. Why would I want to check if the simple-install works on different hardware if it works fine for folks out there?
What do you suggest I should give a "fresh install"? The Windows 11 system? The graphics drivers? Everything else on the laptop runs perfectly fine, so my thought is rather that something doesn't work together as intended for some basic functions required for BF1942.

#12 Re: BF1942 Discussion » bf1942 on Windows 11 » 2023-08-23 16:17:37

I reinstalled the game from the Simple files.

The behavior is unfortunately almost identical.
The only difference is that when I start a single player match, the game doesn't collapse. It now freezes and the current audio files play out.
On ESC I am thrown back into Windows.

#13 Re: BF1942 Discussion » bf1942 on Windows 11 » 2023-08-22 16:33:19

Serebro wrote:

Have you downloaded the game from here or other place? Have you tried installing from another source of download?

I downloaded the Anthology package from oldgamesdownload -> /battlefield-1942-hg4/
Then I used the patches to bring it to 1.61b from https:// bf42.de.tl/

I have not attempted to delete and install from another source. The problem did not hint to me to be program issue but appeared to me to be similar to typical Windows 10/11 problems.

#14 BF1942 Discussion » bf1942 on Windows 11 » 2023-08-22 13:24:53

Replies: 14

Hello folks

I used to play bf1942 back in the days and rediscovered it about 5 years back and enjoy to play every now and then.

I have now purchased a new laptop and would like to play again.
I have downloaded the game, patches and all required stuff (according to the various similar guides on the web).

I fail to the game to work for me, though. I believe I have tried all the things Dr google had in stock for me, so I am turning to some advanced brain capacity...

-The game launches, the intro video plays fine.
-in the menu, the menu initially appears all fine. But fields, click-boxes, sliders don't show.
-scanning for servers works fine
-once I launch a local game (without chaning any settings, of course), the game loads fine. The game then starts and bots deploy. I can select a player class (though again selection doesn't show). Once I join the game it immediately collapses and I am thrown back to windows.

-OS: Windows 11 Home; Version 22H2; OS build: 22621.2134;
-Hardware: Samsung Galaxy Book 3 Pro;  i7-1360P 2.20 GHz; 16 GB RAM; Intel Iris Xe Graphics;
-other notes: Laptop runs on 2880x1800 resolution @120 Hz, 8 bit (Bit-depth); lowest resolution I can set is 800x600.

some stuff I tried:
-run as admin, run in compatibility Win XP SP3,
-toyed around with the video config files.
-added the d3d8.dll
-downloaded most recent graphic drivers from Intel
-downloaded old directx
-downloaded old Visual C++

Any thoughts?

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