#1 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Unban or reason for ban » 2023-07-19 23:24:02

Oh ok thanks! Think I got shot so I shot back lol gotta be more careful I see...

#2 Server Ban Appeals » Unban or reason for ban » 2023-07-19 18:08:31

Replies: 2

I was banned while playing the map Kbely airfield on the secret weapons+ RtR server on 19.07.23 around 6pm at EET. Playername is jopsu24
I have been kicked a few times for accidently attacking the enemy main base, those were really my faults but during this ban I truly have no idea what i did wrong. BTW im not sure for how long this ban lasts (idk how to see it?) so my bad if it was just a short ban and this appeal is a waste of time! Thanks!

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