#1 Re: Videos and Screenshots » Random short videos from the Battlefield » 2024-05-11 15:18:48

Tuia it's called banter and a joke that only those in this forum (like Alfred) would really understand. If it bothers you then maybe you're the emotional one. You do your fair bit of trolling, same with 000 or SELF.

And sorry to burst your bubble, but your name in the thumbnail is not going to   clicks lol.

#3 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Battlefield 1942 Plus » 2024-05-10 17:06:20

tuia wrote:

Here you go again, playing the devil's advocate. Do a proper blind test, try to guess if the patch was applied and just be honest about it. I am not saying it is not an useful addition by uuuz, but can you really tell the difference? And I am sorry to burst your bubble, but you, estonians, did not discover any secret. All these UEFI and MBR different setups are nothing but fairy tales, much as running the game in windowed mode, if you can't prove it. The game BF1942 was created when dial-up connections were still in use, can you imagine the experience playing with a 56k modem online? Any tweak you do is irrelevant with a high unstable latency and constant dropped packets.

Not playing devil's advocate, you're just being stubborn. You have experienced players and uuuz telling & showing you there is a difference, but you're hung up because of some personal grudges. If you can't tell the difference yourself then I don't know what to tell you. If you're still unconvinced, then it actually highlights how technical knowledge doesn't necessarily translate to in-game observational ability. But to give you some grace, the difference would probably go unrecognized to most players.

AFWIW: I think simon's UEFI/MBR is a bit tinfoil hat and is not relevant here

#4 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Battlefield 1942 Plus » 2024-05-09 16:53:35

tuia wrote:

The idea to add a blind test to test experimental features is interesting , but unfortunately it cannot be a proper blind test, unless the player is honest about his conclusions, simon and deeko are clearly excluded from this group. For laughs, you can add a patch called smoothRegBlindTest, that does absolutely nothing, and you will have some visionaries claim it improves their game by leaps and bounds.

Excluded why? If it's because you think they're not capable of being honest then I hope that irony is not lost on you. Simon and Deeko have both articulated and even demonstrated how uuuz's changes result in smoother gameplay, which aligns closely with the blindtest enabled experience that myself and others have had. We know you're on the Jew Estonian-hate tour, but they have contributed positively to this conversation. Do you have anything productive to add?

This is an opportunity to surface real solutions and discussion to improve the experience of everyone. But yet multiple times you've prioritized accusations, derailment and projection. An exercise in humility and introspection would do you good, but I suspect you'll remain uncurious, vindictive and insecure.

#5 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Battlefield 1942 Plus » 2024-05-06 15:55:05

Interesting videos Simon Thanks for sharing.. Never realized that the desync during the timeframes also impacted recoil/shake. I always thought it was just more consistent regs during the first few minutes of the game and after 35 min, but this makes sense too.

It’s similar to if a server changes a weapons fire rate server side, but the client does not. There is a noticeable increase in shaking and desync from the players perspective.

Ive played this game 20 years and learn something new on a regular basis. Good stuff

#7 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Battlefield 1942 Plus » 2024-05-02 19:30:33

I’ll stick to my retro incabulator. The typical logarithmic amulites do just fine.

#8 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Battlefield 1942 Plus » 2024-05-02 16:59:37

simon wrote:

Good that someone is looking into this and trying to better it. But if you know how 'game smoothness' and 'reg' works, there is no chance of it working for everyone and it could actually make it a lot worse for the majority. Like seeding clouds to make it rain - it always comes with a cost of something else. The game is so old and near extinct that running experiments on it doesn't really make a difference anymore, so best of luck!

Are you implying that there’s only so much of the “improvement pie” to go around? Confuse by what you’re saying here tbh.

Uuuz made it sound like just desync fixes between client and server at the cost of added stress on CPUs (which is  likely negligible on todays systems), as opposed to taking from one person and giving to another.

#9 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Battlefield 1942 Plus » 2024-04-30 22:59:55

Flasche wrote:

a patch for "perfect" hits would be great too wink
just saying

Maybe try his “experiment” feature and see what you think. It seemed to make a noticeable difference when enabled from what I could tell. Some  others seem to agree.

Has anyone else tried this feature of BF42 Plus? Uuuz is asking for more feedback

#11 Re: Feedback » More Freedom? » 2024-04-27 16:22:36

Am I missing something? I haven’t seen Paul crack down on any of the buffoonery on the forums. The inmates of this asylum are free to roam about as far as I’ve noticed. He mentioned on Discord that he thinks politics shouldn’t be discussed in the game server, but nothing about the forums or Discord.

If  you think moderating the fringes of speech is the cause of this forums downfall then I’d like to invite you back to planet Earth, but something tells me your head will remain in the clouds.

#12 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Battlefield 1942 Plus » 2024-04-22 21:28:16

very excited for the buddy list add-on! great work uuuz

#13 Re: Report Abuse » Deeko still bugs..... » 2024-04-20 18:57:11

No fairy tales here. You just admitted that you've done it. And I know for a fact that you reapplied it within the last year as well because I noticed it myself. Who knows what other changes you've made because you've even said that you're not willing to be transparent about it. Stop projecting your lack of conscience on others.

#14 Re: Report Abuse » Deeko still bugs..... » 2024-04-18 23:49:52

tuia wrote:

Picture this, we are all happily playing football at the school playground, teams are balanced, everyone is friendly to each other, then these two brothers come along, they enter the pitch without permission, take the ball away and say, we either play or no one plays anymore. We let them play and they start provoking and humiliating everyone, no one is having fun anymore, but them. Bell rings, we run to class, having wasted our playground time with them. End of story.

Such a ridiculous and disingenuous take.

Now imagine this: the owner of the game ball, who also participates in the football games, secretly modifies the game ball to alter its behavior during play without informing the other players. When the players detect the change, the owner denies any alterations and discreetly restores the ball to its original state (but introduces other unknown changes to the game). Despite this, the owner continues to deflect blame and portrays someone else as the troublemaker.

#16 Re: Feedback » This server genuinely isn't fun anymore » 2024-03-01 16:52:20

I didn't say Moongamers were without fault. There are plenty of instances where the admin behavior is questionable or worse. You can feel however you want about it, but they've managed to capture and retain new players while Simple is struggling to repopulate. And FWIW, MG has gone above and beyond to help inform the population that Simple is up and running on a new IP.

#17 Re: Feedback » This server genuinely isn't fun anymore » 2024-02-29 22:27:06

I criticize Moongamers plenty, and they are mostly great about responding when something warrants attention. Quite presumptuous of you Cal because you're wrong, but that's not what's important. Hopefully, these things being worked on can revitalize the server because this game is healthier when Simple is thriving.

#18 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Hit Registration Patch (Server Side) » 2024-02-28 21:56:50

Mr. Angeleyes, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

#19 Re: Feedback » This server genuinely isn't fun anymore » 2024-02-28 21:49:05

Valid criticism is met with "Haha" and a disingenuous request for feedback. The house is on fire, but leadership insists on fanning the flames. Reap what you sow.

#20 Re: BF1942 Events » The St. Vith Knife Tournament » 2024-02-13 22:22:45

This would be great if you could collaborate with uuuz. Seems like the perfect scenario to utilize his server.

#21 Re: Videos and Screenshots » Random short videos from the Battlefield » 2024-01-31 21:44:27

Here's a showcase of the vehicle select screen that uuuz created. All of this is server side as well.


#22 Re: Videos and Screenshots » Random short videos from the Battlefield » 2024-01-31 11:50:14

Really cool server side mod made by uuuz. Also caught a rare kill on film as well lol


#23 Re: Videos and Screenshots » Random short videos from the Battlefield » 2024-01-25 19:35:32

Zatoichi wrote:

So what the hell exactly is going on @ 0.16?

I mean he hasn't even actually lead him yet, watch, that crosshair sniper dot doesn't even actually read his head at all,
its fired behind short, yet still scores a hit?

Combination of high ping and desync probably. I also think that the hitboxes (especially running perpendicular to someone) lags a bit behind what's actually on your screen

#24 Re: Videos and Screenshots » Random short videos from the Battlefield » 2024-01-25 04:39:12

Ggs! That was on Uuuz's free for all mod, which is a lot of fun and well-suited for 3 - 6 infantry. A lot of action and great practice. Here are some clips from the same round ninja posted:


#25 Re: Off-Topic » ChatGPT » 2024-01-21 07:53:17

ChatGPT has an enlightening response about hackusations in BF1942.

Prompt: I have been playing a video game for nearly 15 years. The game is about 20 years old. It's a multiplayer online first person shooter. I usually perform well in the multiplayer games, but the other players frequently accuse me of using cheats. I've done everything to prove that I play without using any cheats or enhancements, even submitting video footage of my perspective of the same rounds that they have accused me of cheating. Why would players treat me this way?

ChatGPT's Response:

It's unfortunate that you're facing accusations of cheating despite providing evidence to the contrary. There could be various reasons why other players accuse you, and it's important to consider different perspectives:

Skill Discrepancy: Sometimes, players accuse others of cheating simply because they find it hard to believe someone can be exceptionally skilled. Your years of experience in the game might make your performance seem extraordinary to less experienced players.

Frustration or Jealousy: Other players might accuse you out of frustration or jealousy, especially if they are struggling in the game. Accusing someone of cheating can be a way for them to cope with their own frustrations or explain their own shortcomings.

Misinterpretation of Gameplay: Some players may misinterpret certain gameplay mechanics, skilled maneuvers, or lucky shots as evidence of cheating. This misunderstanding can lead to unfounded accusations.

Cultural Norms: In certain gaming communities, there might be a prevailing culture of skepticism, and players may be more prone to accuse others without solid evidence.

Previous Incidents: If you've faced accusations before, some players might carry over those suspicions even if you've proven your innocence. Reputation, whether accurate or not, can play a role in how others perceive your gameplay.

It's essential to stay calm and continue enjoying the game. Engaging positively with the community, explaining your perspective, and maintaining sportsmanship can help alleviate misunderstandings over time. If the accusations persist and affect your experience, consider reaching out to game moderators or community managers for assistance.

#26 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Hit Registration Patch (Server Side) » 2024-01-19 01:32:15

I hope it’s just the OS and not actual changes that have been implemented without at least informing the community

#28 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Hit Registration Patch (Server Side) » 2024-01-18 08:07:59

Seems to be working very well for me and my 150 ping. Outside of the typical delay, shots are registering far more often and without the need to lead due to ping.

However, I have tried this patch on 7 or 8 different servers with pings from 30 - 220 and SiMPLE seems to be by far the most inconsistent. It really feels like other changes have been made to the server or game for it to behave differently. This experience is unique only to this server. Several SiMPLE regulars have also mentioned that Moongamers now feels better to play on post-patch. The difference in game performance and consistency is noticeable between the two servers. It'd be great if leadership could look into this and revert or correct whatever may be causing this drop in quality.

#29 Re: Videos and Screenshots » Random short videos from the Battlefield » 2024-01-09 16:52:57

Serebro wrote:

Recorded through Gamebar?


I shortened the video to just the sniper shots


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