#1 Re: Report Abuse » Ferd Admin Abuse » 2023-01-20 12:03:44

Can i learn how much time left to be unbanned again

#2 Re: Report Abuse » Ferd Admin Abuse » 2023-01-18 16:30:42

if a person isnt allowed to say what they think. It is basically a dictatorship.

#3 Re: Report Abuse » Ferd Admin Abuse » 2023-01-18 16:28:49

The point is, am not forcing any admin to ban that person. I just gave my opinion that they might be a cheater. You can simply ignore my request or report the person.

#4 Re: Report Abuse » Ferd Admin Abuse » 2023-01-18 16:27:05

Nope. I can say whatever i want basically. Thats the definition of freedom of speech.

#5 Re: Report Abuse » Ferd Admin Abuse » 2023-01-18 16:22:16

"why would we need you?" That proves why people dont like playing BF. Because they dont wanna play in your guys' dictative sh*thole

#7 Re: Report Abuse » Ferd Admin Abuse » 2023-01-18 16:19:26

Also i can ACCUSE or SAY WHATEVER I WANT. HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF FREEDOM OF SPEECH?? I can report someone and the other person can defend himself and disprove me. I will say whatever i want. The other people can say whatever they think too. We dont live in Nazi Germany.
You dont have valid reason to ban me. I dont care if they banned me but dont get mad whenever someone calls you manchild and criticize you

#8 Re: Report Abuse » Ferd Admin Abuse » 2023-01-18 16:13:24

Fyi, it is not a ban appeal. I just relieve my anger on you

#10 Re: Feedback » What is your favourite map ? » 2023-01-18 15:41:21

i dislike only plane maps + Aberdeen

#11 Re: Report Abuse » Ferd (0,25L) » 2023-01-18 15:32:59

He kicked me a lot of times too. Just to annoy me

#12 Re: Report Abuse » Ferd (0,25L) » 2023-01-18 15:31:46

I agree, he shouldnt be an admin. He is such a manchild.

#13 Report Abuse » Ferd Admin Abuse » 2023-01-18 15:27:56

Replies: 20

I got a serious problem with Ferd. Not just me but many players as well (like Krazy8). He abuses people (especially me specifically), he kicked me in Operation Market Garden for reporting a player. He kicked me 3 times in Aberdeen just to annoy me. He provokes people by "lol, lmao, noob" whenever he kills someone. He forces people to switch team when teams arent balanced. By force i mean literal force. And he banned me for 3 days just because i criticize his dictatorship.
Probably the worst admin ever in the game.
It would be great if someone takes  his power back.
He is obsessed with me. It pisses me off so much.

#15 Server Ban Appeals » A request » 2022-12-03 20:47:07

Replies: 1

i am sorry for false reporting in Bocage map today. And i promise i wont report anything and bother admins. I am sorry for insulting them as well. I got banned for 3 days. Can Raketen remove my ban? Admin Ferd also forgave me and wants me to get unbanned.
Thanks for understanding. 3 days is too long.....

#17 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Got banned » 2022-12-03 17:40:54

Nobody asked for your opinion Water Fox. Thats my post.

#18 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Got banned » 2022-12-03 17:23:21

You guys are literal manchilds. It is funny how 3 letters (amk) hurt you that much.

#19 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Got banned » 2022-12-03 17:20:31

Excuse me, banning for 3 days for what??

#20 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Got banned » 2022-12-03 16:23:31

You also warned me in Liberation of Caen for a report. That dude threw literally 2 nades near to me and killed me. It is funny you warn a person for reporting a tk.

#21 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Got banned » 2022-12-03 16:18:50

i love that you call them "false report"

#22 Server Ban Appeals » Got banned » 2022-12-03 15:02:22

Replies: 12

i got banned for reporting a teamkill. Some smart a** admin banned me after teamkilling me. I said ".10 tk" and he immediatelt banned me for that big_smile
in Bocage map btw

#23 Re: Server Ban Appeals » ban » 2022-11-12 19:32:02

May i ask , do you guys ban cheaters for good?

#24 Re: Server Ban Appeals » banned by seVen, admin abuse » 2022-11-07 17:57:14

Also other people even insult with "f.ck" and they get kicked or 15 mins bans at best. Why do you ban me for 1 day

#25 Re: Server Ban Appeals » banned by seVen, admin abuse » 2022-11-07 17:55:55

You guys crying about me calling him retard. But when someone tells me to shut up. Nobody does anything. Provoke someone and punish the person who reacts to this provocation. Well done.

#26 Re: Server Ban Appeals » banned by seVen, admin abuse » 2022-11-07 17:35:03

He was allied and Axis team was winning tho lmao. He team stacked and thats a fact. I just reported it and some dude (idk if it is Ferd) immediately told me to shut up. And me calling him retard causes me 1 day ban. Someone else gets 15 mins bans but no i get 1 day ban over one word.

#28 Re: Server Ban Appeals » i got a ban coz of technical problems? » 2022-10-29 18:42:34

Did any admin ban me or not. I have to know this

#29 Re: Server Ban Appeals » i got a ban coz of technical problems? » 2022-10-29 17:13:32

Haha thanks bro smile. Sure we can play tonight but i think admins didnt ban me this time. It is a technical problem ig but i cant be sure since idk if i exactly get banned from an admin or not. Need help..

#30 Server Ban Appeals » i got a ban coz of technical problems? » 2022-10-29 16:51:58

Replies: 5

Hello. Today i deleted my current game and installed the game from TL-Beyazz. After that i wanted to play in Simple server but i get "Banned from Server".
I dont think if any admin banned me because i didnt do anything. I swear...
I think thats a technical problem at this point. What should i/we do?

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