#1 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Banned for using Caps lock? » 2012-11-28 04:24:50

I'd like to point out some things using an appeal to reason through deductive logic.

1. No where in the official Server rules does it forbid or even discourage using repeated (or otherwise) Caps Lock in server chat.
2. I had no knowledge that you (Lecter) or the other Admin (some guy with 996 or something in his name?) were admins. There wasn't any indication that you two weren't just regular users trying to boss me around or act power-hungry.
3. I didn't mock either of you, nor name call. In fact, I didn't address either of you except a couple times, one of which only to ask sarcastically if Caps Lock was forbidden in the rules. (even though I knew it wasn't.)
4. Patience is inherently required for strong administration and if you have none as you have stated above, I would suggest acquiring some or reconsidering if you are qualified for such moderating responsibilities.
5. Also, I'm not a baby and resorting to insults is simply unbecoming of someone in such authority.

If I've made an error in these statements, feel free to post a rebuttal.

À demain


#2 Server Ban Appeals » Banned for using Caps lock? » 2012-11-27 20:42:56

Replies: 4

Hello, at around 1:30 Eastern time on Tuesday, November 27, 2012 the player "Disapprobation" was banned from "SiMPLE | BF1942 No key [FRA]" for using Caps lock. Now, I'd like to sincerely ask for an unban. Honestly, I knew I was annoying people, using caps and all, but I wasn't offending anyone by any means. I wasn't intentionally breaking any rules, and if I must stop using the beautiful gift that is caps lock, I will. I don't ever TK intentionally, I'm almost always pushing for my teams objectives.  etc. etc. I love the Server and its the only one I use on BF1942. I'm scared to try and find a new one, so please, unban?

also, I'd just like to say that I want world peace and am fighting for the right's and freedoms entitled to all good men. Amen.


Edit: I had no idea when making my username that it would turn out all caps like that. that is hilarious.

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