#1 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ban Appeal » 2022-01-05 00:38:17

Nice to have active admins, though this event seems weird to me.

Did I have any TKs that prompted this (don't remember any) or do I use the same name as him? Nah, since you think I'm the same guy with another key it's must be an IP thing?

Do note that from my POV the acusation/evidence seems very thin for such a harsh sentence even if I had been that guy since I did play clean. You would PERMABAN a person for one TK because they disconnected afterwards? Must have been a clearly intentional TK.

#2 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ban Appeal » 2022-01-04 23:48:05

Uh, on what basis do you think it's me? You might've jumped the gun here. I haven't played on this server before today. It's even first time coming back to BF1942 for over 5 years.

#3 Server Ban Appeals » Ban Appeal » 2022-01-04 21:11:00

Replies: 5

- Your player name.

- Date and time you were banned.
04.01.2022. Around 18.00

- Server name.
SiMPLE | Bf1942

Banned for no reason that I can think of.

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