#1 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Unban-request » 2021-08-06 14:23:18

Thank you very much. See you online. smile

#2 Server Ban Appeals » Unban-request » 2021-08-06 08:31:01

Replies: 2

Hey, guys

First and foremost, thank you for saving Battlefield with all your hard work! It means a lot to many people. smile

Second, I write this post to request an unban (or to know the duration at least). Yesterday I was playing with a friend for some hours on the regular BF-server, and nearing the end of or gaming session, he and I were trolling each other for fun on opposite teams. Without thinking much of it, I crashed my plane into the one he was trying to get into in his main base in Battleaxe for lulz. Shortly after, I was banned - no warning.
I've never once attacked the enemy base, and I shouldn't have done so - my bad. Wouldn't a kick be enough? Is a ban really necessary for screwing around with a friend and making a single mistake?

I regularly see people just spam-bombing main base with artillery with no intervention.

Can you remove the ban, please?
Or at least tell me when it will expire?

Thanks again for all your effort in keeping this awesome game alive.

- Groggster

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