#1 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Banned for what and how long? » 2021-06-30 16:27:19

Thank you Anna, I was not aware of that. I took a little break from online lesson and was not really focused on the match/map I guess.

#2 Server Ban Appeals » Banned for what and how long? » 2021-06-30 12:46:08

Replies: 3

Hi, I got banned yesterday on Simple | BF1942. I enjoy the server a lot and don´t want to compromise the game. Sometimes that does not work out, teamkills just happen. I try to notice and apologize for every single one. Maybe I was just unaware of something. Ban is now active for 24h+, happened on 2021-06-29 between 10:00-12:00 (European time zone). My player name is universal_soldier.
Will I be able to play again?

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