#1 Re: Server Ban Appeals » I can't log in to the game » 2021-06-09 13:50:27

petr8 wrote:

It seems you were confused with another player, who by a coincidence was playing from the same IP subnet as yours. The ban is lifted, sorry for troubles.

Thank you for removing the ban.

Yes, my provider has a dynamic IP change. Every time you turn on the computer, it changes.

#2 Re: Server Ban Appeals » I can't log in to the game » 2021-06-09 03:33:29

petr8 wrote:

Hi, your previous nickname was "КИРИК". You were banned for evading bans and trolling.

My nickname is "Diversant" for 5 years...
I am 35 years old, I am a grown man, and I always played honestly. Please unban me because apparently my nickname was used by some minor asshole.

#3 Server Ban Appeals » I can't log in to the game » 2021-06-08 23:07:41

Replies: 6

Hello, my nickname is Diversant.

When you try to log in to a network game, it throws out a message with the inscription "kick from the server"in the middle of loading.
Why am I banned and is it possible to unban?

I can't log in to the server for about a month

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