#1 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Please unban me » 2020-01-04 15:22:20


It has been a day since I got banned and I still cannot join the server. Is there anyway I can find out my name? I really don't remember. Was it Engineer or Medic?


I was playing as second gunner because the first seat tend to be instantly occupied every start of the map.

#2 Server Ban Appeals » Please unban me » 2020-01-04 09:21:09

Replies: 5

I was playing as the gunner of the allied ship in Omaha Beach map. I killed a plenty of teammates in accident while playing the ship because I can barely see what's in front of my crosshair (that I wish friendly fire is completely turned off).

Anyway. My in game name were Birb, mynameistoolongtoread, Stalin, Sniper. I'm not sure which was the actual name I used right before I got banned.

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