#1 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Please may I be unbanned » 2019-09-19 10:48:32

If I can raise another concern, there's a lot of base killing and disruption that doesn't get dealt with. I understand one accident, but 10 base kills in a row is a bit much. Is there no way to put auto kicks / bans in place for this kind of thing? Like 2 base attacks and you're kicked?

#2 Re: Report Abuse » Base sniping / attacking » 2019-09-18 16:42:53

But when I ask my cat, he says no base sniping allowed.

#3 Report Abuse » Base sniping / attacking » 2019-09-18 16:39:48

Replies: 5

I was playing battleaxe today and just getting base snipped and +Dima+ claims that's allowed now, also claimed he's an admin, is this correct?
Him and Sam were base sniping.

On another note I can't refill grenades at weapon crates, is it a mod?

Also how is cheat dirty language? I got kicked for saying it?!?

Thanks in advance.

#4 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Please may I be unbanned » 2019-09-10 22:15:18

May have got the 2 mixed up, who controls ax (No Key)

#5 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Please may I be unbanned » 2019-09-10 18:50:12

Seems to be working now.

I don't know if it's a windows 10 issue, seemed to start intermittently since updates.

Do you think getting a new key will help?

#6 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Please may I be unbanned » 2019-09-10 17:15:02

It's weird, it'll say I'm banned then I try again and it works but now it sometimes comes up with CD key in use.

I'm sure I was on the axis (No Key) server.

#7 Server Ban Appeals » Please may I be unbanned » 2019-09-10 16:30:33

Replies: 8

Not sure why it happened.

I always try to play fair, may do an accidental TK, but never on purpose, in fact when people play dirty I get really frustrated.

It was the Simple FRA server.

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